Tag Archives: measurement of market value

The Value of Money: Is Economics Missing a Variable?

  • If money has value and if the value of money is an important factor in the determination of prices in money terms, then why doesn’t economics officially recognise the value of money as a variable in its equations? Moreover, why doesn’t economics clearly explain the role of the “value of money” in the determination of money prices and foreign exchange rates?
  • If you look for the term “value of money” in an economics textbook, you won’t find very much. Indeed, the standard economics textbook has little to say about the “value of money” and its role in price determination.
  • The reason for this is simple: economics simply doesn’t recognise “the value of money” as an independent variable.
  • You might ask, “How is that possible? How can economics overlook a concept that seems so fundamental?” The answer to this question is rather complicated, but it boils down to the following.
  • In order to isolate the “value of money” as an independent variable, economics needs to measure the property of market value in absolute terms. In order to measure market value in absolute terms, economics must adopt a “standard unit” for the measurement of market value, something which economics has not done.
  • Almost universally, economics measures the property of “market value” in relative terms. For example, the price of a good, in money terms, is a relative measure of the market value of that good in terms of the market value of money. Similarly, the price level is a relative measure of the market value of the basket of goods in terms of the market value of money.
  • In both cases, economics is measuring the market value of a good or goods in terms of the market value of money, i.e. both measurements are relative in nature.
  • So, how does economics measure the market value of money? The most common way to do this is something called the “purchasing power of money”. The problem is that the “purchasing power of money” is also a relative measure of market value. More specifically, the purchasing power of money measures the market value of money in terms of the market value of the basket of goods. (The purchasing power of money is simply the reciprocal of the price level, itself a relative measure of value).
  • The problem with measuring the value of money in relative terms is that it does not allow us to isolate the “value of money” as an independent variable.
  • For example, the purchasing power of money can fall because either (a) the market value of money falls, or (b) the market value of the basket of goods rises. The purchasing power of money does not isolate the value of money as an independent variable: rather, it muddies the waters by mixing the value of money with the value of goods.
  • The view of The Money Enigma is that economics can only isolate the value of money as an independent variable by measuring the market value of money in absolute terms, that is to say, in terms of a “standard unit” for the measure of market value.
  • Why does this matter? Well, isolating the “value of money” as an independent variable opens a number of doors. First, it encourages us to think about why money has value and what determines that value. Second, it forces us to think about an explicit role for the value of money in the determination of prices and foreign exchange rates. Finally, and most importantly, it allows us to shed new light on existing economic theories such as the quantity theory of money.

How Do We Measure the “Value of Money”?

In our everyday life, most of us are accustomed to measuring the value of goods and services in money terms. An apple is worth one dollar. A taxi ride across town costs twenty dollars. Indeed, money is so universally accepted as a medium of exchange and unit of account that we almost instinctively measure and compare the value of economic goods in money terms.

Therefore, when somebody asks us, “how do you measure the value of money?” most of us need to pause and think for a moment. After all, how do you measure the value of something that is itself used as the measure of value?

The most common answer to this question goes something like this: if we can measure the value of goods in money terms, then we can measure the value of money in goods terms.

The value of money, in terms of the basket of goods, is known as the “purchasing power of money” and it is a popular method for measuring the value of money.

Another way to measure the value of a currency is to measure it in terms of a different currency. A foreign exchange rate is, in essence, a way of measuring the value of one type of money in terms of another type of money.

The purchasing power of money and foreign exchange rates both represent valid ways of measuring the “value of money”. However, there is a problem with this approach. Both of these measures are relative measures of value.

The purchasing power of money measures the market value of money in terms of the market value of the basket goods. A foreign exchange rate measures the market value of money in terms of the market value of another currency. In both cases, we are measuring the value of money in relative terms and, therefore, both measures are dependent upon not only the value of money, but also the value of the measurement good (the basket of goods or the other currency).

In other words, we have not isolated the “value of money” as an independent or standalone variable. Why this matters is something that we will discuss later, but first let’s consider how we might isolate the value of money as a standalone variable.

The Measurement of Market Value: Absolute versus Relative

If a physical property can be measured in relative terms, then it can also be measured in absolute terms. If we can measure the market value of money in relative terms, then we should also be able to measure the market value of money in absolute terms. Moreover, by measuring the market value of money in absolute terms, we can isolate the value of money as an independent variable.

What does all this mean? Well, let’s start by thinking about the difference between absolute and relative measurement.

Every measurement we ever make is an act of comparison. In this sense, every measurement is relative: we are comparing one thing with another thing. However, by convention, science designates some measurements to be absolute in nature, while others are relative in nature.

The key difference between an absolute versus a relative measurement is the unit of measure being used.

A measurement is considered to be an absolute measurement if it is done using a “standard unit” of measure. The key characteristic of a standard unit of measure is that it is invariable in the property that is being measured.

For example, an inch is a standard unit of length. An inch is invariable in the property of length and can be used to measure length and/or height in absolute terms.

In contrast, a relative measurement is merely the measurement of one object, the primary object, in terms of another, the measurement object. Most importantly, a relative measurement does not require that the second object, the measurement object, is invariable in the property being measured.

For example, if I measured the speed of one car on the road in terms of another car on the road, then that would be a relative measurement of speed (i.e. one car is going twice as fast as the other car). The second car (the measurement car) is not invariable in the property of speed, therefore the measurement can not be considered to be absolute.

In summary, the difference between an absolute measurement and a relative measurement is that an absolute measurement can only be made using a “standard unit” of measurement.

The interesting thing about standard units is that they tend to be theoretical in nature. Standard units don’t occur naturally in the real world: rather, we had to make them up. Feet, inches, pounds and kilograms were all standard units of measure that we created.

And this brings us back to the main point of this article: economics needs to create a standard unit for the measurement of market value.

Every economic good possesses the property of market value. If a good did not possess the property of market value, then we would not exchange it in trade.

In theory, we should be able to measure the market value of a good in both absolute and relative terms.

Almost universally, economics measures market value as a “price”. But price is a relative measure of market value. The price of one good, in terms of another good, is relative measure of the market value of both goods.

However, if economics adopts a standard unit for the measurement of market value, then we can measure the market value of each good in absolute terms (in terms of the standard unit).

Why would we want to do this?

Measuring market value in absolute terms allows us to isolate changes in the market value of one good from changes in the market value of another good. In the most basic terms, it gives us greater insight into what is really driving the change in the price of a good.

Price is a relative measurement of market value. This means that the price of one good (the primary good) in terms of another good (the measurement good) can rise for one of two basic reasons. Either (a) the market value of the primary good rises, or (b) the market value of the measurement good falls.

By measuring market value in absolute terms, we have a better way of tracking what caused the rise in the price of the good. We can track whether the price rise was caused by (a) the primary good becoming more valuable, or (b) the measurement good becoming less valuable.

This notion becomes particularly important when we discuss the determination of prices in money terms.

At the most fundamental level, the price of a good in money terms measures of the market value of that good in terms of the market value of money.

We can easily express this basic concept in mathematical terms if we measure the market value of the good and money independently, i.e. if we measure the market value of each in terms of a standard unit.

Price and the Value of Money

The price of a good in money terms can rise because either (a) the value of the good V(A) rises or (b) the value of money VM falls. Note that the value of money is the denominator in our price equation: as the value of money falls, the price of the good rises.

The notion that the price of a good depends upon the value of money may seem like a very simple idea, but it is a fundamental concept and one that can only be expressed once the value of money is isolated by measuring it standard unit terms.

The Value of Money: Shedding New Light on Old Ideas

So, what are some of the interesting applications of this concept? What are the tangible benefits of isolating the value of money as an independent variable?

Price and the Value of Money

Let’s begin with the basics. The price equation in the slide above begs a couple of obvious question. First, what determines the market value of money? Second, if money has value and if the value of money plays a key role in price determination, then how do we incorporate it into traditional supply and demand analysis?

The traditional microeconomic view is that the price of a good is determined by supply and demand for that good. So, what role does the value of money play?

In order to incorporate the value of money into traditional supply and demand analysis, we need to rethink the unit of measurement that is used on the y-axis of our supply and demand diagrams.

The view of The Money Enigma is that every price is determined by two sets of supply and demand.

Price Determined by Two Sets Supply and Demand

The price of a good in money terms is a relative expression of the market value of the good and the market value of money. The market value of a good is determined by supply and demand for that good. The market value of money is determined by supply and demand for money (the monetary base).

Therefore the price of the good in money terms is a function of both supply and demand for the good and supply and demand for money.

The key to illustrating this point is the way that we measure market value on the y-axis. In the slide above, market value is not measured in price terms, but is measured in terms of the standard unit, i.e. market value is measured in absolute, not relative terms.

This representation of price determination described above can be easily reconciled with the traditional representation of supply and demand once it is recognised that traditional supply and demand analysis implicitly assumes that the market value of the measurement good is constant.

For example, let’s take the supply and demand diagram for good A that is on the left hand side of the slide above. If you assume the market value of money VM is constant and you divide all y-axis values for V(A) by the market value of money VM, then you end up with the traditional version of the supply and demand representation for good A with the price of good A on the y-axis.

Similarly, we can convert the traditional supply and demand diagram with price on the y-axis into standard unit terms by multiplying all y-axis values by the market value of the measurement good, which, by the way, is already assumed to be constant in traditional supply and demand analysis.

The theory that every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand is discussed at length in a recent post titled “A New Economic Theory of Price Determination” and on the “Price Determination” page of this website.

If you are not an economist and you are wondering why this matters, then I will give you at least one good reason. 

According to this theory of price determination, supply and demand for money (the monetary base) determines the market value of money, not the interest rate.

If this is correct, then Keynes’ liquidity preference theory, a cornerstone of modern economics, is wrong. This is an idea was discussed in a recent post titled “Supply and Demand for Money: Where Keynes Went Wrong”.

From a more constructive perspective, if the market value of money is the denominator of every money price in the economy, then this has important implications for macroeconomic theories of price level determination.

At the most basic level, we can use this idea to construct what is called “Ratio Theory of the Price Level”.

Ratio Theory states that the price level measures the market value of the basket of goods in terms of the market value of money. Therefore, the price level can be expressed as a ratio of two market values.

Ratio Theory of the Price Level

Ratio Theory highlights the importance of isolating the “value of money” as a variable. The value of money is the denominator in our price level equation above: as the value of money falls, the price level rises.

Moreover, Ratio Theory provides with a way to shed new light on old theories such as quantity theory of money. For example, does an expansion in the monetary base lead to an increase in prices because (a) it drives higher levels of economic activity and a rise in the value of goods, or (b) does an expansion in the monetary base lead to a decline in the value of money?

The application of Ratio Theory to the quantity theory of money is discussed in a recent post titled “Saving Monetarism from Friedman and the Keynesians”.

What Determines the Value of Money?

Before we conclude, it is worth spending a little more time talking about what determines the market value of money.

As illustrated above, the view of The Money Enigma is that supply and demand for the monetary base determines the market value of money. Technically, it is my opinion that this is a fair and accurate description of how the value of money is determined. However, in practice, this description leaves a lot to be desired.

The reason for this is that the value of money depends primarily upon long-term expectations of key economic variables. It is difficult to capture the complexity of these long-term expectations and their impact on the market value of money in a simple supply and demand diagram.

If you are interested in reading more about why fiat money has value and how the value of fiat money is determined, then I would highly recommend reading “The Evolution of Money: Why Does Fiat Money Has Value?” and “What Factors Influence the Value of Fiat Money?”

Author: Gervaise Heddle, heddle@bletchleyeconomics.com

Ratio Theory of the Price Level

  • Ratio Theory of the Price Level states that the price level is a relative measure of market value. More specifically, the price level measures the market value of the basket of goods in terms of the market value of money.
  • Mathematically, the price level is a ratio of two variables: the market value of the basket of goods divided by the market value of money.

Ratio Theory of the Price Level

  • The numerator is the market value of the basket of goods: all else remaining equal, as the market value of goods rises, the price level rises. The market value of the basket of goods can rise for all manner of reasons, but a couple of reasons might include a sudden increase in aggregate demand (“too much demand”) or a sudden decrease in aggregate supply (“supply shock”).
  • The denominator is the market value of money: all else remaining equal as the market value of money falls, the price level rises. The market value of money is poorly understood by modern economics because most economists don’t explicitly focus on the “value of money” as a factor in their equations. Indeed, the “market value of money” can only be isolated as a variable if market value is measured in terms of a “standard unit”, i.e. in absolute terms.
  • The key to appreciating Ratio Theory is understanding two microeconomic concepts: (a) the property of “market value” can be measured in both the relative and the absolute, and (b) every price is nothing more than a relative measurement of two market values, both of which can be measured in absolute terms. In this week’s post we will explore both of these microeconomic concepts and then extend them to develop a macroeconomic theory of price level determination, namely “Ratio Theory of the Price Level”.

Ratio Theory of the Price Level: A Useful Concept for Analysis

There are many competing theories regarding price level determination. Economists trained in the Keynesian school tend to believe that inflation is caused by “too much demand” and that one of the primary roles of the central bank is to manage the economy to ensure that it doesn’t “overheat”.

Monetarists tend to believe that “too much money” is the primary cause of inflation, although many monetarists seem to ascribe to a Keynesian transmission mechanism: “too much money” creates “too much demand” which leads to rising prices. Other economists believe that “too much government debt” is the primary cause of inflation, particularly severe inflation (Fiscal Theory of the Price Level).

Each of these schools of thought suffers from a rather narrow perspective regarding the way the economic world works. Economists have made countless efforts to improve these one-sided models by the inclusion of various “expectation terms”, but this has only led to more vague notions such as the idea that inflation is determined by “inflation expectations” (even if this is the case, what then determines “inflation expectations”?).

The view of The Money Enigma is that all of these schools of thought could improve their models by acknowledging what should be a simple notion: the price level is a ratio of two market values.

Ratio Theory of the Price LevelThe price of a good, in terms of another good, is a relative expression of the market value of both goods. The price of a good, in money terms, is a relative expression of the market value of the good itself and the market value of money. Therefore, the price of the basket of goods, in money terms, (also known as “the price level”) is a relative expression of the market value of the basket of goods in terms of the market value of money.

In mathematical terms, the price level is a ratio: the price level is equal to the market value of the basket of goods (the numerator) divided by the market value of money (the denominator).

We can use this simple model of the price level to ask more probing questions about traditional theories of inflation. For example, does “too much money” create inflation because (a) it increases the level of economic activity and raises the market value of goods (VG rises), or (b) increases the monetary base relative to economic output thereby reducing the market value of money (VM falls)?

Similarly, does “too much government debt” lead to rising prices because the fiscal spending increases economic activity (VG rises as there is “too much demand”) or because markets become fearful about the economic viability of society and the value of the fiat currency issued by that society falls (VM falls)?

Ratio Theory also provides a good starting point for any “inflation versus deflation” debate. For example, does economic weakness lead to deflation? While economic weakness should put downward pressure on the market value of goods, the other side of the equation (which is often ignored by Keynesians) is what will happen to the market value of money if confidence in the long-term economic prospects of society begins to falter?

While all these questions represent interesting topics for discussion, the primary goal for this week is to explain the concepts behind Ratio Theory. In particular, most economists will probably struggle with the terms VG and VM in the equation above.

Both of these terms represent market value as measured in the “absolute”: VG is the market value of the basket of goods as measured in absolute terms, and VM is the market value of money as measured in absolute terms.

In order to understand what it means to measure the market value of a good in the absolute, we need to go back to basics and think about the different ways in which scientists can measure physical properties.

The Measurement of Market Value: Absolute versus Relative

The view of The Money Enigma is that “price” and “market value” are not the same thing. While some may believe that these terms are synonymous, there is a subtle but important distinction between the two.

“Market value” is a property possessed by an economic good. For any good to be exchanged in trade that good must be “valuable”, i.e. it must possess the property of “market value”.

The “price” of a good is not a property of that good. Rather, the price of the good is a way of measuring the property of “market value”. More specifically, price is a relative measure of the market value of a good: a price measures the market value of one good (the primary good) in terms of the market value of another good (the measurement good).

If price is a relative measure of market value, then this raises an interesting question: “Is it possible to measure market value in the absolute?”

In order to answer this question, we need to go back one more step and answer a more general question: “What does it mean to measure any property in the absolute?”

Fortunately, science has a well-established paradigm that distinguishes between the absolute measurement of a property and the relative measurement of a property.

The act of measurement is, by definition, an act of comparison. In this sense, all measurements could be considered to be “relative”. However, even though all measurements involve an act of comparison, scientists designated some measurements as being absolute while others are relative.

So, what does it mean to say that a measurement is “absolute”?

A measurement is considered to be “absolute” if we measure something compared to a “standard unit” of measurement.

What makes something a “standard unit” of measurement?

In order for something to perform as a standard unit for the measurement for a certain property, there are two key characteristics that thing must possess. First, it must possess that property. Second, it must be invariable in that property.

These are the two key characteristics of a standard unit of measurement, but there is a third characteristic that most standard units possess: most “standard units” of measurement are theoretical.

Let’s think about this in the context of a simple example: the measurement of height.

We can measure the height of a building in absolute or relative terms. For example, we can say that one building is twice as tall as another building. This is a relative measurement of height.

In contrast, we can measure the height of the building in absolute terms. In order to do this, we need a standard unit for the measurement of height, such as “feet and inches”. Feet and inches are standard units of height: they posses the property of height and they are invariable in that property. Therefore, if we measure the height of the building in feet and say it is 250 feet tall, then that is an absolute measurement of the height of the building.

What we should also note about this example is that feet and inches are theoretical units of measure. The length of one “inch” is not something that exists in nature. We made it up. We decided, on a fairly arbitrary basis, that the length of one inch is “about that much”.

This is true of most standard units of measure: one hour, one mile, one kilogram – they are all theoretical measures of a particular property that we made up to help us measure various physical properties.

Why are most standard units of measurement theoretical? The reason we use theoretical entities as standard units of measure is because nearly everything in nature is variable. By definition, we can’t use objects that are variable in a property as “standard units” of measurement for that property.

In summary, the key difference between an “absolute” and a “relative” measurement is the unit of measure being used. In the case of an absolute measurement, we use a “standard unit” of measure. Most standard units are theoretical units of measure and, importantly, they must be invariable in the property that they are measuring.

In contrast, a relative measurement is merely a comparison of one object (the primary object) with another (the measurement object): it does not require that the second object (the measurement object) is invariable in the property being measured.

Now, let’s return to the main topic at hand: the measurement of market value.

Can we measure the property of “market value” in the absolute? The answer is yes, at least theoretically. But in order to measure market value in the absolute, we need to create a standard unit for the measurement of market value.

Unfortunately, a standard unit for the measurement of market value must be theoretical in nature. Why? It must be theoretical because there is no real-life good that is invariable in the property of market value.

So, what is the key advantage of measuring market value in the absolute? By adopting a standard unit for the measurement of market value, we can now measure the market value of each good independently of the market value of other goods.

Let’s use a simple example: the price of apples in money terms. Let’s assume that the current price of apples is two dollars per apple. This ratio exchange implies that one apple is worth twice as much as one dollar.

Now, let’s assume that next year the price of apples rises to three dollars per apple. What can we say about the market value of apples and the market value of dollars?

What we can say for certain is that the value of one apple has risen relative to the value of one dollar. One apple is now worth three times as much as one dollar.

But what can we say about the value of apples? Has the value of apples risen or fallen? From the facts provided, we can’t answer this question. We know that the relative value of apples has risen, but we can’t say whether the absolute value of apples has risen or fallen.

The price of apples could have risen either because (a) the market value of apples rose, or (b) because the market value of money fell.

In order to know whether the price of apples rose because of (a) or (b) above, we need some way to measure the market value of each good independently from other goods. Our standard unit for the measurement of market value gives us a means to make this type of absolute measurement.

Price as a Ratio of Two Market Values

Introducing a standard unit for market value for the property of market value allows us to measure the market value of goods independently of each other. The key advantage of this approach is that it allows us to express price as a ratio of two market values.

The view of The Money Enigma is that price is a relative measurement of market value. This is hardly a new concept. Adam Smith in “The Wealth of Nations” (1776) seeks to explore the rules that “determine what may be called the relative or exchangeable value of goods”. While Smith may not have explicitly stated that “price is a relative expression of market value”, it was clear that Smith considered price to be “relative” in nature.

Nevertheless, what does it mean to say, “Price is a relative measure”?

In simple terms, if the price of an apple is two dollars, then this implies that the market value of one apple is twice that of one dollar. The money price of an apple is merely a measure of the market value of an apple relative to the market value of a dollar.

This is simple concept, but how do we express this in mathematical terms? The key is measuring the market value of apples and money independently using the standard unit of market value that we discussed earlier.

Price as Ratio of Two Market ValuesLet’s think about this in general terms.

If the market value of good A as measured in terms of our standard unit is denoted as V(A) and the market value of good B as measured in terms of the standard unit is denoted as V(B), then the price of good A, in good B terms, is merely the ratio of V(A) divided by V(B). The price of A, in B terms, can rise either because (1) the market value of A rises, or (2) the market value of B falls.

If “good A = apples” and “good B = money”, then we can say that the price of apples, in terms of money, depends on both the market value of apples and the market value of money.

Importantly, the market value of money is the denominator of the price of apples. All else remaining equal, if the market value of money falls, the price of apples, as measured in money terms, will rise.

Moreover, this is observation is true for every “money price” in the economy: the market value of money is the denominator of every money price in the economy.

The price of apples, the price of bananas, the price of milk… all of these prices, as expressed in money terms, are determined by both the market value of the good itself (apples/bananas/milk) and the market value of money. All else remaining equal, if the market value of money falls, then the price of all these goods, as measured in money terms, will rise.

We can take this one step further.

Ratio Theory of the Price LevelThe price level is a hypothetical measure of the price of the “basket of goods”. In a simplified sense, the price level is an index of prices. If every price in that index is a function of a numerator (the market value of the good) and a denominator (the market value of money), then it follows that the price level itself is a function of a numerator (the market value of the basket of goods, denoted VG) and a common denominator (the market value of money, denoted VM). [The market value of the basket of goods VG can be thought of as an output-weighted index of market values for the goods contained in the basket of goods, where market value is measured in terms of the standard unit.]

The Market Value of Money

Ratio Theory raises an interesting question. Namely, what determines the market value of money, the denominator of the price level?

Economics has largely failed to answer this question because most economists have failed to ask it. Mainstream economics does not have any variable called the “value of money” or the “market value of money” in its equations.

The reason for may not be obvious, but in essence, if you don’t recognize that market value can be measured in the absolute using a standard unit for the measurement of market value, then you can’t isolate the “value of money” as a variable.

Economists will talk about the “purchasing power of money”, but the purchasing power of money is a relative expression of the market value of money. The purchasing power of money is merely the inverse of the price level, itself a relative measure of market value.

The Enigma Series develops a theory of money that might be used to help think about the determination of the market value of money called “Proportional Claim Theory”. In essence, the view of The Enigma Series is that money is a long-duration, special-form equity instrument that represents a proportional claim on the future output of society.

Moreover, The Enigma Series uses this theory to develop a “valuation model” for money. Importantly, this valuation model is expressed in “standard unit” terms and is the first model to solve for the value of money as measured in the absolute. This valuation model for money can also be used to create expectations-based solutions for the price level, the velocity of money and foreign exchange rates.

Readers who are interested in exploring these concepts further should read “Money as the Equity of Society” and “What Factors Influence the Value of Fiat Money?”

If you would like to learn more about Ratio Theory, then please visit the Price Determination section of The Money Enigma or read The Inflation Enigma, the second paper in The Enigma Series.

Author: Gervaise Heddle, heddle@bletchleyeconomics.com