The Matrix of Prices in a Barter Economy

  • Prices existed before there was money. In the barter economy of our ancestors, there existed an entire matrix of different prices. For example, the price of corn could be expressed in many different ways (in terms of apples, in terms of bananas, in terms of rice etc.). Conversely, the price of other goods could be expressed in “corn terms” (for example, the price of apples could be expressed in terms of corn).
  • How was this vast array or matrix of prices determined? How were prices determined before money existed?
  • From a practical perspective, a discussion regarding how prices are determined in a barter economy may seem like a strange endeavor. After all, what could modern-day economic policy makers learn from understanding price determination in a barter economy? The answer is “a lot”.
  • Many commentators like to complain that there is something wrong with the fundamentals of modern economics, yet very few can clearly articulate exactly what is wrong and fewer still have any real idea regarding how one might fix the situation.
  • The view of The Money Enigma is that there is a problem and that we can trace that problem all the way back to microeconomic theory. More specifically, current microeconomic theories of price determination present a very “one-sided” view of the price determination process. It is this oversight more than any other that has led modern economics down the wrong path.
  • By examining how prices are determined in a barter economy, we can illustrate two important concepts regarding price determination. First, every price is nothing more than a relative measurement of the market value of the two items being exchanged. Second, every price is a function of not one, but two sets of supply and demand.
  • This week we will focus on the first point as it applies to the matrix of prices in a barter economy. Next week we will more fully explore the notion that every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand.

The Price of Corn in a Barter Economy

Let’s imagine that we live in a barter economy, an economy with no commonly accepted medium of exchange such as paper currency or gold coin. Now, what would you say to someone who asks you “what is the price of corn?”

In our modern, money-based economy this is an easy question to answer. Without thinking about it, we automatically express the price of corn in currency terms. For example, the price of one ear of corn might be three dollars, so we say “the price of corn is three dollars”.

But in a barter economy, we would have to clarify the question. After all, there isn’t one commonly accepted medium of exchange. So, when someone asks us “what is the price of corn?” we need to ask them “the price of corn in terms of what?”

For example, does this person want to know the price of corn in terms of apples, or the price of corn in terms of bananas?

In a barter economy there is a whole array or “matrix” of different prices. The price of any good can be expressed in terms of any other good. As economists, the question that should concern us is how is this matrix of prices determined?

For example, is the price of corn, in apple terms, determined by:

a). Supply and demand for corn; or

b). Supply and demand for apples; or

c). Both supply and demand for corn and supply and demand for apples?

Most students of economics will choose (a), the price of corn, in apple terms, is determined by supply and demand for corn. This response represents the very “one-sided” view of price determination that is taught today.

The correct answer is (c). The price of corn, in terms of apples, is determined by both supply and demand for corn and supply and demand for apples.

In order to understand why this is the case, we start with a simple idea: every price is a relative measurement of the market value of the two goods that are being exchanged.

This concept is best understood by way of example.

Question: In our barter economy, if one banana is twice as valuable as one apple and one ear of corn is twice as valuable as one banana, what is the price of corn in apple terms?

Answer: The price of corn, in apple terms, is four apples.

Let’s think through this. If the market value of a banana is twice that of an apple, then you would need to offer two apples to purchase one banana. In other words, the price of bananas, in apple terms, is two apples. Furthermore, if the market value of an ear of corn is twice that of a banana, then you would need to offer two bananas to purchase one ear of corn. Therefore, in order to purchase one ear of corn with apples, you would need to offer four apples.

In our simple example, we calculated three prices (the price of bananas in apple terms, the price of corn in banana terms and the price of corn in apple terms). In each case, the price of one good (the primary good) in terms of another good (the measurement good) is determined by the market value of the primary good relative to the market value of the measurement good. If the market value of the primary good is twice that of the measurement good, then you must offer two units of the measurement good in order to purchase on unit of the primary good.

The Matrix of Prices and the Measurement of Market Value

We can further illustrate this principle by creating a matrix of prices for our barter economy. In the slide below, the four goods in the economy (apples, bananas, corn and rice) are listed on the top row and first column. In the light shaded area you can see the price of each good in the top row in terms of each good in the first column. For example, the price of corn in terms of apples is four apples.

Matrix of Prices in a Barter Economy (Slide 1)

What this slide attempts to highlight is the basic principle that price is a relative measurement of market value. For example, if the market value of a banana is twice the market value of a cup of rice, then the price of bananas in rice terms is two cups of rice. Every one of the prices in the light shaded area is a relative measurement of the market value of one good (a good in the top row) in terms of the market value of another good (a good in the first column).

Moreover, if we can measure market value in relative terms, then we should also be able to measure market value in absolute terms. But what does it mean to measure a property in absolute terms?

We discussed this at length in a recent post titled “The Measurement of Market Value: Absolute, Relative and Real”. In simple terms, in order to measure a property in absolute terms, we need a “standard unit” for the measurement of that property. A “standard unit” is invariable in the property that it is used to measure (for example, inches are an invariable measure of the property of length).

In the slide above, we have arbitrarily assigned a market value of five standard units to one apple. If a banana is twice as valuable as an apple, then the market value of a banana, as measured in terms of our standard unit, is ten. These “absolute” market values are written next to the names of the various goods in our economy.

Now we can use this matrix to examine what happens if there is a change in the market value of one of the goods in our barter economy.

For example, what happens to prices in our barter economy if the market value of corn falls by 50%?

Stated in more formal terms, what happens to the matrix of prices in our barter economy if the market value of corn, as measured in terms of our standard unit, falls by 50%, assuming that the market value of all other goods, as measured in terms of the standard unit, remain constant?

The fall in the market value of corn has two repercussions on the matrix of prices: the first is obvious, but the second is not.

The first impact is on the price of corn as measured in terms of any other good in the economy. Clearly, if the market value of corn falls, while the market value of another good remains constant, then the price of corn in terms of that second good will fall. The red column in the table below highlights how the price of corn, as measured in terms of other goods, falls.

Matrix of Prices in a Barter Economy (Slide 2)

Whereas previously the price of corn in apple terms was four apples, the price of corn in apple terms is now only two apples.

The second impact on the matrix of prices is less obvious. If the market value of corn falls, then the price of every other good, as measured in corn terms, will rise. You can see this highlighted in the blue row in the table below.

Matrix of Prices in a Barter Economy (Slide 3)

The price of a banana, in corn terms, rises from half an ear of corn to one whole ear of corn. Why does this happen? There has been no change in the market value of bananas, as measured in terms of our “standard unit”, but the price of bananas rises. The reason is because price is a relative measure of market value. In this case, the price of bananas, in corn terms, reflects both the market value of bananas and the market value of corn. If the market value of corn falls, then the market value of bananas rises.

This can be stated in mathematical terms as follows. If the market value of good A in terms of our “standard unit” is denoted as V(A), and the market value of good B in terms of our “standard unit” is denoted as V(B), then the price of good A, in terms of good B, denoted as P(AB), is the ratio of V(A) divided by V(B).

Price as Ratio of Two Market Values

The price of good A, in terms of good B, can rise either because (1) the market value of good A rises, or (2) the market value of good B falls.

We can take this one step further. If the market value of good A is determined by supply and demand for good A, and the market value of good B is determined by supply and demand for good B, then the price of A, in B terms, is determined by both supply and demand for good A and supply and demand for good B.

Price Determination Theory

We will explore this concept next week and apply it to a couple of examples of price determination in a barter economy. But before we do, it is worth asking what any of this has to do with the determination of prices in a money-based economy?

The view of The Money Enigma is that the model of price determination just described is a universal model of price determination. It is universal in the sense that it is a theory that describes how any price is determined, including a “money price” (the price of a good in money terms).

In simple terms, the price of a good, in money terms, is a relative expression of both the market value of the good itself and the market value of money. If the market value of money falls, the price of the good, in money terms, will rise. In this sense, the market value of money is the denominator of every money price in the economy. Moreover, supply and demand for money (the monetary base) determines the market value of money, not the interest rate.

This simple notion, if correct, represents a direct challenge to existing economic thinking. If you would like to explore this concept in more detail, then you should read The Inflation Enigma, the second paper in The Enigma Series. For a shorter summary, you can a recent post titled “A New Economic Theory of Price Determination”.

Has the Fed Created the Conditions for a Market Crash?


  • Has the Federal Reserve inadvertently created the perfect conditions for a stock market crash? Over the past few years, many market commentators have accused the Fed of “blowing bubbles”, i.e. using monetary policy to feed the speculative market environments that enabled both the Nasdaq bubble of 1999-2000 and the US housing bubble of 2006-2007. But has the Fed’s experiment with quantitative easing set up equity markets for a historic fall in the next few years? Will the Fed be held responsible for the next share market crash?
  • The view of The Money Enigma is that the Federal Reserve has backed itself into a corner, at least in regards to financial market conditions.
  • If the Federal Reserve makes any concerted attempt to reduce the monetary base, then this will raise the required rate of return on capital across all global markets, triggering a major sell off in both bond and equity markets. Just as quantitative easing drove down the cost of capital (as explicitly desired by Ben Bernanke), so reversing quantity easing will drive up the cost of capital, thereby placing downward pressure on the price of all risk assets.
  • Conversely, if the Fed does not reduce the monetary base, then high-single digit inflation will return, an event that will create chaos in markets that are priced to achieve very low rates of nominal returns. The view of The Money Enigma is that inflation has been kept in check over the past few years because the increase in the monetary base has been perceived as “temporary”. However, if market participants begin to believe that the US economy is addicted to these higher levels of base money, then confidence in the long-term economic future of the United States will suffer and inflation will return.

The Recipe for a Stock Market Crash

While every commentator will have a slightly different view on the exact mix of conditions that are required for a stock market crash, the basic recipe is fairly straightforward.

As a general rule, in order set up the right environment for a stock market crash, you need to create a situation of extreme overvaluation across a fairly broad range of stocks: certainly not all stocks, but enough to matter.

This is harder than it sounds.

While overvaluation in certain segments of the stock market is a fairly routine occurrence, extreme overvaluation of large portions of the stock market is not. While there is much debate in academic circles about whether “markets are efficient”, there should be no doubt that markets are efficient in the sense that people aren’t stupid. Very few people will intentionally rush out to buy a business for more than it is worth. Therefore, in order to convince lots of people to buy a wide range of businesses for more than they are worth (at least, more than they are worth in retrospect) requires a special set of conditions.

First, you need a strong fundamental catalyst: a new “reality” that forces investors to think differently either about the future prospects of a wide range of businesses, or justifies, at least temporarily, a lower required rate of return on risk assets.

Second, you need to create a set of flawed expectations: a series of new “myths” that allow investors to justify ever-increasing valuations. These myths encourage new investors to buy into the excitement and lull existing investors into a false sense of complacency.

In this sense, the recipe for a stock market crash nearly always involves a mixture of “myth” and “reality”. The recipe for a market crash of historic proportions requires a small dose of reality and a large dose of myth. It is this potent mixture that allows stock market valuations to climb to extremes. Moreover, it is the large helping of “myth” in the mixture that sets up the perfect conditions for a sharp reversal of fortune.

A classic example of this phenomenon is the technology bubble of the late 1990s.

There is no doubt that the technology bubble of 1990s started with a set of important realities: dramatic advancements in semiconductor and computing technology that enabled a corresponding advancement in software and networking technology. These advancements reached a critical tipping point when they enabled the development of the Internet.

The Internet represented an important paradigm shift not just for the technology industry but for the way all businesses operate. Looking back today, some of the early projections about how business would migrate to the Internet were quite conservative. In this sense, the technology bubble of the 1990s was born of an important reality.

While this reality may have set the foundation for the rise in technology stocks, the mania that developed in technology stocks required the invention and propagation of several myths. Basic finance theory was thrown out of the window, as new myths developed regarding how business model success should be measured and how such “success” should be valued. Suddenly, “eyeballs” mattered more than sales and sales mattered more than profits. Moreover, many investors seem to feel that the paradigm shift was so strong that basic business cycles were a thing of the past: demand for networking equipment and IT services would grow at double digit rates every year.

At some point in the year 2000, the myths began to pop. At first it was recognized that a few very silly Internet-based business ideas wouldn’t make it. Then, the realization began to hit that the panic spending on IT would, at some point, begin to subside.

The Nasdaq lost over 80% of its value from peak to trough. All this time, the “reality” never changed: the Internet has dramatically altered the way we all live and do business. But the myths that surrounded the early development of the Internet and began to implode.

Today, global markets are caught up in what I believe is another highly speculative environment. This speculative environment is more insidious than the technology bubble of the late 1990s because it involves far more assets classes: sovereign bonds, corporate bonds, equities, venture capital, private equity, real estate and fiat currencies. In this sense, it makes it much harder to identify the “bubble” because it is harder to see the bubble in any given asset class on a relative basis: it is not clear that stocks are dramatically overvalued compared to bonds or that private equity is any more speculative than venture capital.

However, the view of The Money Enigma is that there is a high level of broad based speculation across all asset classes. This speculative environment has been generated by the actions of the Federal Reserve and the other major central banks. In particular, it has been created by the reality and the myths that surround the now widely adopted program of quantitative easing. The key for investors today is being able to distinguish between the important reality that drove markets higher initially and the myths that are sustaining current speculative conditions.

Quantitative Easing: Distinguishing between Myth and Reality

The current speculative environment in global markets is a function of one reality and two myths regarding the massive expansion of the monetary base otherwise known as quantitative easing.

Let’s begin with the reality: a massive and sudden expansion of the monetary base that is used to buy sovereign bonds will drive down the required rate of return across all risk assets and, all else remaining equal, will drive up the price of those same risk assets.

For those not familiar with how financial markets operate it may seem surprising that buying government bonds will force up the price of equities. After all, what does the price of government bonds have to do with the price of stocks? The answer is “everything”.

There are two ways to think about this: we can think about it in theoretical terms or in more practical terms.

In theoretical terms, the market value of a business is determined by the net present value of future cash flows that investors expect to receive from that business. Note the use of the term “present value”: $100 in ten years is not worth the same as $100 today. Therefore, we need to discount expected future cash flows using a discount rate to covert those future cash flows into their present value equivalent.

While the discount rate that we use to calculate net present value will vary between one business and another, depending upon the nature of that business, the discount rate is always some function of the “risk-free” rate. The “risk-free” rate is the required rate of return from a risk free investment. Theoretically, the calculation of a discount rate for a business always begins with this “risk-free rate” which acts as the foundation rate upon which other discount rates are built.

In our modern society, it is widely accepted (at least at the present moment) that the risk-free rate is best proxied by the interest rate on government bonds. Therefore, if central banks create money and use this money to buy government bonds, then this forces down not only the interest rate on government bonds, but forces down the risk free rate which is used as the baseline for all risk asset valuations.

The valuation of a long-duration risk asset is highly sensitive to the long-term discount rate and, therefore, the risk-free rate. Moreover, the valuation of the stock market is much more sensitive (at least in principle) to the risk-free rate than to near term business conditions. This is an important point that we will return to shortly.

We can also think about this issue from a more practical perspective.

Government bonds, corporate bonds and equities are, at least to some degree, substitutes for each other. They are not perfect substitutes, but they are substitutes.

If the Federal Reserve begins to buy lots of government bonds and forces down the interest rate on government bonds, then this will induce investors who invest in both government and corporate bonds to seek higher yields in corporate bonds. At the margin, the Fed’s “investment” in the government bond market crowds out private investors in the government market. These investors turn to the next best substitute: corporate bonds.

In turn, this forces down the yield of corporate bonds. Those investors who invest across the corporate spectrum (corporate bonds and equities) will now, at the margin, chase the higher expected return in equities, forcing up the price of equities.

In this way, the Fed’s actions create a domino effect across all asset classes: investors shift from government bonds to corporate bonds, corporate bonds to low-risk equities, low-risk equities to high-risk equities, high-risk equities to venture capital.

In more technical terms, the massive expansion of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet lowers the required cost of capital across all asset classes, stimulating higher prices across the entire spectrum of risk assets.

At the margin, this whole process has had a positive effect on the economy. By lowering the required cost of capital for all investments, more investment activity has been stimulated: the shale oil boom, the biotech boom, the pick up in small business activity are all, in part, a function of a lower cost of capital.

This is the reality of quantitative easing.

Now, let’s discuss the myths.

The market has created two myths regarding quantitative easing that have been absolutely critical in sustaining the positive momentum that the equity markets have enjoyed over the past few years. So, what are these two myths?

Myth #1: If the Federal Reserve begins to reverse quantitative easing (reduces the monetary base), then the underlying strength in the economy at that time will offset any weakness that occurs because of tightening “liquidity conditions”.

Myth #2: If the Federal Reserve does nothing and leaves the monetary base at the current exceptional levels, then there will be no adverse inflationary outcome. More specifically, inflation is caused by “too much demand”, so it doesn’t matter if the Fed leaves the monetary base where it is, as long as the economy doesn’t “overheat”.

The Federal Reserve has done little to discredit either of these myths. The reticence of the Fed to even discuss a significant reduction in the monetary base suggests that the Fed understands that the first myth is a falsehood. The Fed seems desperately keen to invent new reasons for why a “normalization” of monetary policy is not required “at this time”. (Ever notice how the Fed’s “natural rate of unemployment” target keeps getting lowered?) I doubt there is one single member of the FOMC who wants to be on the FOMC the day that a surprise reduction in the monetary base in announced. After all, “you break it, you own it” and who wants to “own” a broken stock market?

More worryingly, the Federal Reserve has done nothing to dispel Myth #2. In regard to this point, it may be that the Fed really believes its own myth. The notion that “money doesn’t matter” and that “inflation is caused by too much demand” is a fashionable idea in mainstream economics. The view of The Money Enigma is that this New Keynesian approach to the issue of inflation is fundamentally flawed and that if the monetary base is allowed to stay at these levels, then inflation will surely accelerate.

We have discussed the relationship between money and inflation at length over the past few months (for example, see “Does Too Much Money Cause Inflation?” or “Why is There a Lag Between Money Printing and Inflation?”) and we will touch on it again in a moment. But before we do, let’s discuss Myth #1.

Myth #1: Stocks Won’t Fall if the Fed Reverses QE

Myth #1 is a favorite of the chattering class on CNBC who don’t understand the fundamentals of equity valuation. In essence, their argument is that when the time comes to reduce the monetary base (by the way, when is that?) the economy will be strong enough that investors will look past the fact that long-term interest rates are rising: rather, investors will focus on strong near-term earnings.

So, here is a simple theoretical question? Is the value of a long-duration asset more sensitive to (a) changes in near term cash flows, or (b) changes in the long-term discount rate?

The answer is (b).

Clearly, the answer depends slightly on definitions (e.g., how do we define “near-term”?) but the principle is simple. The value of a business depends upon the sum of an expected stream of discounted future cash flows. The net present value of a business is only marginally impacted by a 10% change in the expected cash flows that will be produced in the next one or two years.

However, what happens if the discount rate rises by 10%? A rise in the discount rate impacts the present value of all future cash flows, not just the value of future cash flows that are expected this year and next, but the value of cash flows that are expected to be received 10, 20 and even 30 years from now.

If the Federal Reserve reverses quantitative easing, then, all remaining equal, the interest rate on government bonds will rise, the risk-free rate will rise and the required cost of capital for all risk assets will rise. The negative impact this will have on the valuation of risk assets will far outweigh any marginal benefit to near-term earnings from a strong economy.

Discussion regarding “tightening liquidity conditions” miss the point: yes, it won’t help the stock market when bond and equity investors suddenly need to sell a trillion or two in corporate debt and equity in order to buy government bonds from the Fed. But more fundamentally, the issue is one of valuation. As the Fed reverses QE, the required rate of return on capital will rise across the entire spectrum of risk assets and, all else remaining equal, the net present value of stocks will fall.

Myth #2: The Size of the Monetary Base Doesn’t Matter to Inflation

Myth #2 is more pernicious than Myth #1 and, unfortunately, is much harder to debunk. Dissecting and dismantling Myth #2 requires us to revisit the very foundations upon which the science of economics is built. More specifically, we need to fully reexamine (a) how prices are determined, and (b) the nature of money. The Money Enigma is dedicated to both of these topics and we have explored each at length over the past few months. Clearly, we don’t have time to cover all this ground today, but we shall touch on a few core concepts.

Before we do, let’s start with a simple observation: “money isn’t free”.

Government and it agencies, most notably the central bank, are empowered by our society to “create money” (expand the monetary base). In this sense, the central bank can create something of value “out of thin air”. However, this does not mean that creating money has “no cost”.

If there was no fundamental economic cost associated with the creation of money, then there would no constraint on how much money our society creates and no limit to our prosperity: we would simply keep the printing presses rolling until everyone had everything they ever wanted.

So, what is the cost associated with money creation? At the most basic level, the economic cost associated with creating money is a decline in the value of that money and a commensurate rise in the price of all goods as measured in terms of that monetary unit.

Now, this is not a simple process. While the long-term relationship between the “money/output” ratio and the price level is well established, there is no simple or predictable short-term relationship between the size of the monetary base and the value of money.

For example, over the past six years, the Federal Reserve has quintupled the monetary with little to no impact on the value of the US Dollar or consumer prices in the United States.

Many commentators seem to believe that since the expansion of the monetary base in the past six years has not produced high levels of inflation, we are safe to assume that the link between the “money/output” ratio and the price level is “broken”. In other words, many seem to believe that the quantity theory of money, one of the strongest long-term empirical relationships ever demonstrated in economics, is now defunct.

The view of The Money Enigma is that the long-term relationship between money and prices is well and truly alive. Moreover, the longer the Federal Reserve delays a “normalization” of monetary policy, the greater the risk that inflation accelerates.

So, what explains the subdued levels of inflation that we are currently experiencing? Why does inflation lag monetary expansion, in some cases by many years?

In order to understand why the price level doesn’t immediately jump as soon as the Fed prints money, we need to understand a couple of key concepts.

First, we need to understand how the price of a good, in money terms, is determined. The view of The Money Enigma is that every price is a relative expression of market value. The price of a good, in money terms, depends upon (1) the market value of the good, and (2) the market value of money. The price of a good, in money terms, can rise either because (1) the market value of the good rises, or (2) the market value of money falls.

For example, if one apple is three times more valuable than one dollar, then the price of an apple, in dollar terms, is three dollars. This relative value differential can be impacted by a change in either the value of the apple or the value of the dollar. All else remaining equal, if the value of one dollar falls, then one apple will become more valuable relative to one dollar (even if the value of the apple itself has not changed when measured in absolute terms) and the price of one apple, in dollar terms, will rise.

[Economics struggles with this simple concept because economics has not developed a “standard unit” for the measurement of market value and, consequently, doesn’t appreciate the difference between the absolute and relative measurement of market value. This issue is explained at length in a recent post titled “The Measurement of Market Value: Absolute, Relative and Real”, a post which I strongly encourage everyone to read.]

We can extend this microeconomic theory of price determination to a macroeconomic theory of price level determination.

The view of The Money Enigma is that the market value of money is the denominator of every money price in the economy and hence is the denominator of the price level. All else remaining equal, as the market value of money falls, the price level rises.

This raises the next obvious question: what determines the value of money?

This is a complicated subject and one that has been discussed at length in two recent posts: “The Evolution of Money: Why Does Fiat Money Have Value?” and “What Factors Influence the Value of Fiat Money?”

The view of The Money Enigma is that fiat money is a financial instrument and, in common with all financial instruments, derives its value from its contractual features. More specifically, fiat money is long-duration, special form equity instrument that represents a proportional claim on the future output of society.

Consequently, the value of fiat money is primarily dependent upon expectations regarding the long-term path of both real output and the monetary base. If the market expects long-term real output growth to be strong, then this supports the value of the fiat money issued by that society. Conversely, if the market expects long-term monetary base growth to accelerate, then the value of fiat money will fall.

Now, let’s think about what this theory might mean in the current environment.

The view of The Money Enigma is that an increase in the monetary base that is perceived to be “temporary” will have little to no impact on the value of fiat money. Why? The value of money depends upon expectations of the long-term path of real output relative to the monetary base. A change in the current level of the “real output/monetary base” ratio only impacts the value of money to the degree that it leads to a shift in long-term expectations regarding that ratio. Conversely, an increase in the monetary base that is perceived to be more “permanent” in nature will have a considerable impact on the value of money.

The reason that QE has not triggered a fall in the value of money and a rise in the price level is because the market perceives QE to be a “temporary” phenomenon. Over the past six years, quantitative easing has been routinely represented as an “emergency measure”: an extraordinary policy for an extraordinary time. Almost by definition, emergency measures are temporary actions (we can’t live in a permanent state of emergency).

Despite the many delays in “normalizing” monetary policy, the markets still seem to be convinced that the recent expansion in the monetary base is “temporary” in nature.

The question that no one wants to discuss is what happens if the “temporary” expansion in the monetary base becomes more “permanent” in nature? Moreover, what happens if instead of reducing in the monetary base, the Fed is forced to further expand the monetary base?

The view of The Money Enigma is that either of these scenarios will lead to a loss of confidence in the long-term prospects of the US economy, a fall in the value of money and a significant rise in the price level.

A return to high single digit inflation rates would represent another bad scenario for global stock markets: risk assets that are priced to achieve low nominal rates of return don’t respond well to a sudden acceleration in inflation.

In summary, the Federal Reserve has backed itself into a corner. If it reverses quantitative easing, then risk assets are likely to perform poorly as the required return on capital rises across the entire risk spectrum. However, if the Fed fails to reverse quantitative easing, then inflation will accelerate, a scenario for which global investors are not prepared.

Does “Too Much Money” Cause Inflation?

  • Does money have any role in the determination of inflation? Does printing too much money cause inflation? And what does it mean to say “too much money”? “Too much” relative to what?
  • Milton Friedman once famously observed, “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon”. Less well known is his qualification to this statement. Friedman’s full observation was “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” (Friedman, “Money Mischief”, page 49)
  • Friedman’s qualification helps us narrow down our original question to the following, “Does too much money, relative to output, cause inflation?” Alternatively, we could ask, “Does growth in the monetary base that is significantly in excess of growth in real output cause inflation?”
  • Empirical evidence strongly suggests that, when measured over long periods of time, growth in the monetary base that is significantly in excess of growth in real output does lead to a concomitant rise in the price level. In this sense, Friedman’s observation appears to be correct.
  • However, over short periods of time, this relationship does not appear to hold. For example, over the past six or seven years, the monetary base of the United States has quadrupled, while real output has grown only modestly: yet the price level has barely moved higher.
  • So, why is this the case? Why does the quantity theory of money work over long periods of time, but not over short periods of time?
  • The view of The Money Enigma is that, over short periods of time, the primary driver of inflation is not the change in the current ratio of “base money/real output”, but the change in the expected 20-30 year future ratio of “base money/real output”. In other words, it is not the current level of growth in money relative to output that matters, but rather the expected long-term future growth of money relative to output that matters.
  • In this sense, it is not “too much money” that causes inflation, but the expectation of “too much money” being created over the next 20 years that matters.
  • Why might market participants suddenly expect a society to create too much money (relative to output) in the future? There are many possible reasons, but obvious reasons might include war, a secular decline in productivity, economic mismanagement, or just the sudden realization that a country has been living way beyond it means.

Inflation and the value of money

In the academic world, fashions come and go. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, there was much discussion about the role of money in the determination of inflation, a discussion that was led by the great minds of that time including Milton Friedman, Anna Schwartz and Philip Cagan.

Fast forward nearly fifty years, and it is not fashionable to discuss the role of money in the determination of the price level. Indeed, there is a view among many economists (notably, New Keynesian economists) that money is almost irrelevant to the discussion and that the size of the monetary base is only important in so far as it influences interest rates.

This is despite the fact that one of the strongest empirical relationships in economics remains the long-term correlation between the price level and the ratio of base money to real output. As Friedman once put it, inflation “…is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” This sentiment is clearly supported by the long-term data.

So, why is there such a disconnect? Why do academic economists largely dismiss the important role that the money/output ratio has in the determination of inflation?

First, the correlation between the price level and the money/output ratio breaks down in the short term. Although the quantity theory of money is valid over very long periods of time, it doesn’t work over short periods of time. Therefore, most economists feel comfortable ignoring quantity theory in their short-term forecasting of inflation.

Second, mainstream economics does not recognize the important role that the value of money plays in the determination of the price level. According to the orthodox view, the “value of money” has nothing to do with price determination!

Indeed, mainstream economics does not officially recognise the “market value of money” as a variable in any of its equations. Mainstream economics does not recognise the “market value of money” as a relevant economic variable because the view of mainstream (Keynesian) economics is that supply and demand for money determines the interest rate.

The view of The Money Enigma is that supply and demand for money (the monetary base) determines the market value of money (not the interest rate). In turn, the market value of money is the denominator of every money price in the economy and, therefore, is the denominator of the price level.

This general issue was discussed in a recent post titled “The Interest Rate is Not the Price of Money“. But rather than dwell on Keynesian theory, let’s briefly discuss how prices are determined at both a micro and macro level and then use this to continue with our discussion of the relationship between money and inflation.

What is a “price” and how is a price determined?

Price determination is a subject that we have discussed extensively over the past few months, so I don’t want to dwell on it in this post. We will discuss the basic principles today, but if you want more detail you should read the following posts:

“Every Price is a Function of Two Sets of Supply and Demand” (01/20/15)

“The Measurement of Market Value: Absolute, Relative and Real” (04/21/15)

“A New Economic Theory of Price Determination” (04/28/15)

In simple terms, the view of The Money Enigma is that every price is a relative expression of the market value of two goods.

Consider a simple exchange of two goods. Both goods must possess the property of market value in order for them to be exchanged. The price of the exchange simply measures the market value of one good in terms of another: the market value of a “primary good” in terms of the market value of a “measurement good”.

In our modern money-based economy, the measurement good most commonly used is money. The price of a good, in money terms, simply reflects the market value of the good relative to the market value of money. For example, if the price of a banana is $2, then we can say that the market value of one banana is twice the market value of one dollar.

The key point is that the price of a banana, in money terms, is a relative measure of value: it is determined not just by the market value of the banana (which can rise and fall) but also the market value of money (which can also rise and fall). If the market value of money falls, then, all else remaining equal, the price of the banana in money terms will rise.

In this sense, the market value of money is the denominator of every “money price” in the economy. In mathematical terms, the price of a good, in money terms, is a ratio of the market value of the good divided by the market value of money.

The trick to expressing this in terms of mathematical formula is recognizing that market value can be measured in the absolute. Just as we can measure any physical property in the absolute by using a “standard unit” of measurement for that property, so market value can be measured in the absolute by using a “standard unit” of measurement for market value.

The height of a tree can be measured using a standard unit for the measurement of height, namely “inches”. An “inch” is an invariable measure of the property of height. In economics, we can create an invariable measure of market value: a standard unit” for the measurement of market value that possesses the property of market value and is invariable in this property. Since no good exists that is invariable in market value, we need to create a theoretical measure, called “units of economic value”.

Once we have a standard unit for the measurement of market value, we can measure the market value of both goods being exchanged in terms of this standard unit. In other words, we can measure the market value of both goods in absolute terms.

Price as Ratio of Two Market Values

This raises an obvious question: how is the market value of a good determined? In this respect, we can adapt an old paradigm: the market value of a good is determined by supply and demand for that good. If we plot supply and demand for each good in terms of our standard unit of market value, then we can see that the price of the primary good (good A) in terms of the measurement good (good B) is a function of two sets of supply and demand.

Price Determination

Supply and demand for the primary good (good A) determines the market value of the primary good. Supply and demand for the measurement good (good B) determines the market value of the measurement good. The price of the primary good in terms of the measurement good (the price of A in B terms) is the ratio of the market value of the primary good divided by the market value of the measurement good. This is a universal theory of price determination that we can apply to the determination of barter prices (good/good prices), money prices (good/money prices) and foreign exchange rates (money/money prices).

In a money-based economy, the price of a good, in money terms, is determined by the ratio of the market value of the good divided by the market value of money.

We can extend this microeconomic principle to a macroeconomic description of price level determination. If the market value of money is the denominator of every “money price” in our economy, then the market value of money is the denominator of the price level. (Remember, the price level is nothing more than a hypothetical measure of overall money prices for the set of goods and services that comprise the “basket of goods”.)

Once again, if we measure the overall market value of goods and services in terms of a standard unit of market value and denote this as VG, and we measure the market value of money in terms of the same standard unit and denote this as VM, then the price level is simply a ratio of VG and VM.

Ratio Theory of the Price Level

Ratio Theory of the Price Level simply states that the price level depends upon both the overall market value of the basket of goods and services and the market value of money. If the market value of the basket of goods and services is relatively stable over time, then the price level will be primarily determined by the direction of the market value of money. If the market value of money falls significantly over time, then the price level will rise significantly over that same period of time.

The determination of the market value of money

The view of The Money Enigma is that the market value of money is the denominator of every “money price” in the economy: the price of a good, in money terms, depends upon both the market value of the good and the market value of money.

If this theory is correct, then the market value of money plays a critical role in the determination of the price level and inflation. So, what determines the market value of money?

We have already hinted at part of the answer: supply and demand.

If every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand, then every money price must be a function of two sets of supply and demand. More specifically, the price of good A, in money terms, depends upon both supply and demand for good A and supply and demand for money (the monetary base).

As discussed in the introduction, the view of The Money Enigma is that supply and demand for money (the monetary base) determines the market value of money, not the interest rate. (The interest rate is determined by supply and demand for loanable funds).

While this might be an interesting first step, it really doesn’t tell us much about the factors that influence the value of money. In order to understand the specific factors that determine the market value of money, we need to develop a deeper understanding of what money is.

Over the past two weeks, we have discussed the nature of fiat money at length. In the first post, “The Evolution of Money: Why Does Fiat Money Have Value?” we traced the evolution of money from “commodity money” to “representative money” and finally to “fiat money”.

In that post, it was argued that representative money derives its value from an explicit contract: representative money is just a piece of paper that promises the holder of that piece of paper a real asset (normally, gold or silver) when that piece of paper is presented to its issuer.

When the gold/silver convertibility feature was removed, i.e. when the explicit contract was rendered null and void and the representative money became fiat money, the explicit contract was replaced by an implied-in-fact contract. In this way, fiat money derives its value contractually. Every asset derives its value from its physical properties (it is a real asset) or from its contractual properties (it is a financial instrument). Fiat money is not a real asset. Therefore, fiat money must be a financial instrument that derives its value from its contractual features.

The nature of the implied contract that governs fiat money was explored in a second post, “What Factors Influence the Value of Fiat Money?” While it is difficult to speculate on the exact nature of the implied contract, we can leverage finance theory to guide us in the right direction.

The view of The Money Enigma is that fiat money is a special-form, long-duration equity instrument issued by society. More specifically, fiat money represents a proportional claim on the future output of society.

And this brings us to the crux of the issue: what determines the value of fiat money and, consequently, the level of money prices in the economy?

If money is a proportional claim on the future output of society, then its value depends, at least primarily, upon future expectations of (1) real output, and (2) the size of the monetary base. Moreover, if money is a long-duration asset, then its value depends upon expectations regarding the long-term (20-30 year) path of these two important variables (real output and base money).

If the market suddenly decides that long-term (20 year) real output growth will be higher than previously anticipated, then the value of a proportional claim on that future output should rise (the market value of money should rise). All else remaining equal, the value of money will rise and the price level will fall.

In this example, there has been no change in current levels of real output or the monetary base, yet the price level has fallen. Why? The price level falls because it depends on the market value of money (the market value of money is the denominator of the price as per “Ratio Theory”). In turn, the market value of money depends upon long-term expectations. Current conditions really only matter to the market value of money to the degree that they impact expectations of long-term conditions. This is true of the value of any long-duration asset: current conditions are only important to the value of a long-duration asset in so far as they impact long-term expectations.

Now, let’s consider what happens if the market suddenly decides that the long-term growth rate of the monetary base will be much higher than previously anticipated. If money is a proportional claim on output, then more claims at some future point will mean that every claim is entitled to a smaller proportionate share of output at that future point. If the market decides that the future value of money will be lower, then this will have an immediate negative impact on the current value of money. Why? In simple terms, the market value of money depends upon a chain of future expectations regarding the future value of money.

Admittedly, this is a complicated concept and one that is explored in much greater detail in The Velocity Enigma, the third and final paper of The Enigma Series.

The key point that I wish to highlight is that, if proportional claim theory is correct, then the current market value of money depends upon the expected long-term path of both real output and the monetary base. Furthermore, since the market value of money is the denominator of the price level, the price level itself also depends upon the expected long-term path of both real output and the monetary base.

Bearing this in my mind, let’s return to our original question.

Does “too much money” cause inflation?

There can be little doubt that, over long periods of time (30 years+), growth in the monetary base that is greatly in excess of growth in real output will lead to a rise in the price level. There is strong empirical support for this observation.

This observation sits neatly with the theory that money is a proportional claim on the output of society. Over long periods of time, if the number of claims on output grows at a substantially faster rate than output, then the value of each claim should fall. In other words, if the monetary base grows at a substantially faster rate than output, then the market value of money should fall and the price level should rise (the market value of money is the denominator of the price level).

On the other hand, there is also compelling evidence to indicate that, over short periods of time, a dramatic increase in the monetary base can have little to no impact on the market value of money, even if the increase in the monetary base dwarfs any increase in real output during that same period of time.

This phenomenon has always been harder for economists to explain, but it can be explained by the theory that money is a special-form equity instrument and a long-duration, proportional claim on the future output of society.

If money is a long-duration, proportional claim on output, then the value of money will only be sensitive to changes in current levels of real output and the monetary base to the degree that changes in current levels impact expectations regarding the long-term path of both real output and the monetary base.

We can use a simple analogy from finance: the value of shares. The value of a share of common stock depends on the expected future cash flows that will accrue to the holder of that share. More specifically, a company’s stock price depends little on current earnings or current shares outstanding. Rather, the stock price is determined by expected long-term earnings per share. Therefore, it is the long-term path of both net earnings and shares outstanding that matter to the current value of a share of common stock.

Similarly, money is a long-duration asset and its value is primarily driven by expectations of the long-term real output/base money ratio, not by the current real output/base money ratio.

This has one important implication regarding market perception of monetary policy and its impact on inflation. If the market believes that a sudden rise in the monetary base is only “temporary” (it will be reversed in the next few years), then such an increase in the monetary base should have little to no impact on the value of money and, therefore, little to no impact on the price level.

However, if the market believes that a sudden rise in the monetary base is more “permanent” in nature, then that increase in the monetary base should lead to a fall in the value of money and a rise in the price level.

The view of The Money Enigma is that the dramatic increase in the monetary base in the United States has had little impact on the market value of the US Dollar (and little impact on the price level) because market participants believe that the increase is “temporary” in nature.

In slightly more sophisticated terms, the extraordinary actions of the Fed have not changed the market’s view regarding the long-term (20-30 year) path of the real output/base money ratio. Most market participants remain optimistic that real output will grow at solid rates for he next 30 years, even while the monetary base is reduced or at least capped at current levels. This has put a floor under the value of the US Dollar and a lid on the price level.

However, what happens if market expectations change? What will happen if the market becomes more pessimistic regarding the long-term economic prospects of the United States?

If market participants begin to believe that the Fed is unwilling or unable to reduce the monetary base, then this shift in expectations will begin to put downward pressure on the value of money and upward pressure on the price level. This fall in the value of money will be compounded if the market becomes more pessimistic about the long-term rate of real output growth in the United States. If this were to occur, then a return to double-digit levels of inflation is quite possible.

What Factors Influence the Value of Fiat Money?

  • Fiat money possesses the property of market value. Fiat money must possess this property in order for it to act as a medium of exchange. But what determines the market value of fiat money? Why does the value of fiat money fluctuate and tend to fall over long periods of time? Moreover, why does the value of a fiat currency sometimes fall sharply in a short period of time?
  • In last week’s post, we asked the question: “why does fiat money have value?” After all, fiat money is nothing more than a piece of a paper with pictures on it. Why does something with so little intrinsic/physical value have any value at all?
  • In this week’s post, we will attempt to answer an even more difficult, but related question: “what determines the value of fiat money?” In order to do this, we will discuss the nature of the implied contract that governs fiat money.
  • All assets are either real assets or financial instruments. Real assets derive their value from their physical properties. In contrast, financial instrument derive their value from their contractual properties.
  • The first form of money used in most societies was commodity money. This early commodity money was a real asset and derived its value from its physical properties.
  • Over time, paper money was introduced. Originally, paper money was nothing more than an explicit contract that promised to its holder some weight of commodity money such as gold coin. This “representative money” derived its value from its contractual properties (it was a promise to deliver something of tangible value).
  • At some point, the explicit contract that governed paper money was rendered null and void. So why did paper money retain any value? The view of The Money Enigma is that the explicit contract governing paper money was replaced by an implied-in-fact contract between the issuer of money (society) and the holders of money.
  • By exploring the nature of this implied contract, the “Moneyholders’ Agreement”, we can begin to build a better picture of which factors influence the value of money. Furthermore, we use this perspective to think about why the value of fiat money tends to fall over time.
  • In simple terms, the view of The Money Enigma is that fiat money represents a proportional claim on the future output of society. Over long periods of time, an increase in the monetary base relative to real output will reduce the value of the proportional claim and lead to rising prices across the economy. We have seen this pattern exhibited repeatedly across most Western economies over the past fifty years.
  • Over short periods of time, expectations regarding the future path of the monetary base and real output are critical to the value of money. If people become more optimistic about the growth of future output, then the value of money will rise. Conversely, if people become less optimistic and believe that more money will have to be created to support the same level of future output growth then the value of money will fall and the price level will rise.

The Fiat Money Enigma

“Why does this asset have value?”

In the case of most assets, this isn’t a difficult question to answer. If we choose almost any asset at random, then we can answer this question by applying a simple paradigm: every asset is either a real asset, it derives its value its physical properties, or it is a financial instrument, it derives it value from its contractual features.

For example, land is a real asset that derives its value from its physical properties: its owner can grow crops or build shelters upon it. In contrast, a corporate bond is a financial asset that derives its value from its contractual properties: it entitles its holder to a fixed stream of future cash flows.

This paradigm provides us with a simple way to think about how any asset derives its value. Furthermore, this simple paradigm can be easily applied to early forms of money, namely commodity money and representative money.

Commodity money is a commodity that is used as a medium of exchange. The most obvious example of commodity money is gold. Commodity money is a real asset and derives its value from its physical properties.

Representative money is paper money that represents a claim against the issuer of that paper for a certain amount of a commodity on request. Stated in slightly different terms, possession of representative money makes the holder of that money party to an explicit contract that promises the delivery of a certain amount of a real asset.

The most obvious example of representative money is paper money that issued under a gold standard. In the case of the gold standard, each note issued was an explicit promise by the issuer of that note to deliver a certain amount of gold on request.

From the perspective of our “real versus financial asset” paradigm, representative money is a financial instrument. Representative money is an asset that derives its value from its explicit contractual properties.

The point is that we have one simple paradigm that can be used to explain why an asset, any asset, has value. Furthermore, this paradigm can be usefully applied to early forms of money, both commodity money and representative money.

Now, let’s ask the question: “why does fiat money have value?”

Surely, the best place to start in any attempt to answer this question must the simple “real assets/financial instruments” paradigm? After all, this paradigm seems to explain why almost any asset has value, including all the early forms of money.

Despite the strength and logical simplicity of the paradigm, most economists chose to ignore it in their analysis of fiat money. Rather, economists prefer to treat fiat money as something special, almost magical: an asset that is so unique and enigmatic that it is automatically considered to be an exception to the simple paradigm that applies to every other asset, including the early forms of money that preceded fiat money.

The problem is that by ignoring this paradigm, economists have been forced to venture into unchartered and dangerous intellectual territory. After all, if an asset doesn’t derive its value from its physical properties and it doesn’t derive its value from its contractual properties, then how does it derive its value?

Inevitably, economists have created “solutions” to this problem that seem to make sense at a superficial level, but quickly fall apart once you scratch the surface. One of the best examples of this is Keynes theory of demand for money as espoused in his “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”.

If you cut through all the flowery language used by Keynes, his key thesis is that demand for money depends on its usefulness as a medium of exchange and its relative attractiveness as a store of value.

Superficially, this sounds plausible. Money is useful as a medium of exchange and we do use it as a store of value. Therefore, one might be tempted to argue, as Keynes does, that the reason money has value (the reason there is demand for money) is because it performs these functions.

The problem with this argument is that it fails to recognize why money can perform its function in the first place. The only reason money can act as a medium of exchange is because money has value. Similarly, the only reason money can act as a store of value is because money has value!

You can’t build a theory of demand for money based upon its functions: money can only perform its function because there is demand for it! If you rely on the functions of money to generate demand for money (i.e. the functions of money are the mechanism by which money derives its value), then you have created a circular and fallacious argument.

Fortunately, there is a better, albeit much more difficult and intellectually challenging way to think about how money derives it value. Rather than trying to invent some “feel good” solution that falls apart as soon as we scratch the surface, we could try to apply our “real assets/financial instruments” paradigm to fiat money.

Clearly, fiat money is not a real asset. As noted by many, fiat money is often nothing more than a piece of paper with some ink on it. Therefore, it is fair to say that fiat money is not a real asset and does not derive its value from its physical properties.

This leaves us with only one alternative: fiat money is a financial instrument and derives its value from its contractual properties.

The difficult question, a question that very few economists have spent any real time considering, is what is the nature of the contractual agreement governing fiat money? Clearly, the terms of any contract will not be standard or straightforward (if they were, then speculation on this topic would be well advanced). But this shouldn’t deter us from this path: if we can propose a contractual solution that is plausible, then this is far better than trying to create an alternative paradigm to explain how one specific asset (fiat money) derives its value.

Think of it this way. Prima facie, what is the better approach to the answering the question “how does fiat money derive its value?”

Should we:

a). Try to apply an already well-established paradigm that accounts for how assets derives their value, even if that path poses some intellectual challenges in explaining how this particular asset derives its value; or

b). Attempt to create a new paradigm to explain how one, only one, of all the assets that are in existence derives its value in a manner that is completely independent from all other assets?

The view of The Money Enigma is that we need to make a concerted effort to explain fiat money within the context of the existing paradigm. Therefore, this requires us to explore and speculate upon the nature of the implied agreement that governs fiat money and from which fiat money derives its value.

The Implied Moneyholders’ Agreement

Before we speculate on the nature of the contractual agreement that governs fiat money, we need to consider a few important points.

First, it helps to give the agreement a name. For lack of a better term, we will call the contractual agreement that governs fiat money the “Moneyholders’ Agreement”.

Second, we need to be careful with our definition of “money”. For the purposes of this analysis, “money” is defined as comprising solely the monetary base. For reasons that should become clear from the following discussion, the monetary base is unique as a financial instrument. Most of the assets that economists describe as money, most notably bank deposits, are created by contractual arrangements between private parties such as banks and deposit holders. In contrast, the monetary base can only be issued by government (acting on behalf of society): the monetary base, “fiat money” in the purest sense of the term, can not be created by individuals, banks or corporations.

Third, we need to recognise that the agreement that governs fiat money is an implied-in-fact contract, not an explicit contract. What does this mean? It means that there is no explicit written contract that we can read, nor an explicit verbal contract that we can listen to. Rather, the Moneyholders’ Agreement is a contract that is created by a common or mutual understanding, an understanding that can be implied from the behavior of the parties to the contract.

The implied nature of the Moneyholders’ Agreement makes it difficult to speculate on the exact terms of that agreement. But we can try to draw up a sensible term sheet, drawing on insights from the nature of other financial instruments, and then think about how these terms might influence and impact the valuation of money. To the degree that we can use the price level to provide us with some evidence regarding how the valuation of money adjusts in response to various historic events and shifts in future expectations, we can then determine whether the posited terms of the Moneyholders’ Agreement seem realistic.

So, let’s begin trying to dissect the terms of the implied Moneyholders’ Agreement.

The process of creating any financial instrument begins with determining the counterparties to the agreement. Therefore, the first question that we need to ask is in relation to the Moneyholders’ Agreement is who are the counterparties to the contract?

Clearly, one of the parties to the agreement is the “moneyholder”, those people in possession of money. As illustrated in the diagram below, money is an asset to the holder of money. However, in order for a financial instrument to be an asset of one party, it must be a liability of another. So, who is the counterparty? Who is the issuer of money?

Fiat money liability of society

The view of The Money Enigma is that, from an economic perspective, society itself is the issuer of the monetary base. From a legal perspective, government is the issuer of the monetary base. However, from an economic perspective, government is an empty shell: it is nothing more than a legal vehicle created by society in order to achieve the economic and social outcomes that society desires. The assets of that vehicle are, in truth, assets that belong to all of us: the bridges, airports and tanks owned by the government are assets of our society. Similarly, the liabilities of that vehicle are, at least from an economic perspective, liabilities of society.

An easier way to think about this issue is in the context of government debt. From a legal perspective, government debt is a liability of the government. However, from an economic perspective, government debt is more aptly considered as a liability of society. More specifically, government debt is a claim against the future output of society.

If you’re not convinced about this, then it is worth thinking about why US government debt attracts such a high credit rating. Investors in US government debt don’t feel safe because it is “backed by the full faith and credit of the US government”. Investors believe that US government debt is a low risk investment because it is backed by the future prospects of the US economy, one of the most stable and diversified economies in the world. Ultimately, it is society, through the political process, that chooses whether to honor this “government” debt, a debt that only has value because it is, in truth, a liability of society and a claim against the future output of society.

The point is that both government debt and the monetary base are liabilities of government in name only: they are, from an economic perspective, liabilities of society itself.

This raises the next obvious question: what does society produce that it can offer to a counterparty of such an agreement? Remember, every financial instrument represents some sort of quid pro quo: you give me something of economic benefit today and I will give you something of economic benefit tomorrow.

So what can our society offer as consideration for the liabilities it creates? The answer is future economic output.

At a high level, the only way our society can pay for public expenditures and projects is by sacrificing economic output. We can pay for public projects with current economic output (raising taxes today), or we can pay for these projects with future economic output. However, in order to pay for projects with future economic output, we need to create a legal vehicle (government) that can act as the issuer of liabilities that represent a claim on future output.

Once again, we need to think about the role of government (a legal entity) and its relationship to society (a non-legal entity). The view of The Money Enigma is that one of the key roles of government is to act as a legal entity that can both hold the assets of society and issue liabilities on behalf of society. (Society can’t hold assets and issue liabilities directly because it is not recognised as a legal entity).

However, in order for government to issue any meaningful liabilities (notably, government debt and money), government must be authorized by society to issue claims against the future economic output of society. This mechanism is illustrated in the diagram below.

Money as Proportional Claim on Future Output

As discussed, government debt is an indirect claim on future economic output (government debt represents a claim to future taxes that are, in turn, a claim on future economic output).

In contrast, money (the monetary base) represents a direct claim on future economic output.

In very simple terms, the Moneyholders’ Agreement promises the receiver of money that in return for their output today, they will be able to use the money they receive to claim some portion of the output generated by society in the future.

For example, let’s assume that our society wants to build a new bridge. Rather than fund this bridge by raising taxes today or raising taxes tomorrow (issuing government debt), society decides to simply issue more claims against its output (money). You, as a building contractor, accept this newly printed money, not because of its valuable physical properties, but because it represents a claim against the future output of society.

Frankly, this basic concept is fairly straightforward. The trick is deciphering the exact nature of the claim on future output.

In finance, there are two primary types of contractual entitlement: (1) “fixed” entitlements, and (2) “variable” or “proportional” entitlements.

A corporation can issue liabilities that represent either a fixed or variable entitlement to its future cash flow. A liability that represents a fixed entitlement to future cash flow is known as a financial liability or debt instrument. In contrast, a share of common stock, the most common form of equity instrument, provides its holder with a variable or proportional claim on a stream of future residual cash flows.

The view of The Money Enigma is that society faces similar options when it decides to fund current government expenditures through the issuance of liabilities.

Government debt represents, at least in principle, a fixed entitlement to future economic output. Clearly, this analogy isn’t perfect because government can debase the value of the currency in which the debt is repaid, but at least at a high level, it is a reasonable comparison.

In contrast, money (the monetary base) represents a variable or proportional entitlement to future economic output. In this sense, money is an equity instrument. (Technically, the Moneyholders’ Agreement is an equity instrument and possession of money makes the money holder party to this equity instrument.)

However, if money is an equity instrument, then money must be a special form of equity instrument. Most notably, it doesn’t entitle the holder to a stream of future economic benefits, but rather a slice of future economic benefits. Whereas a share of common stock entitles its holder to a stream of future cash flows, one dollar provides its holder with a proportional claim on output that can be used only once (you can only spend the dollar in your pocket once).

This fact impacts the next unusual feature of money: the proportion of output that one unit of money can claim seems to go up and down often in a manner that bears little or no relation to the number of claims on issue (the size of the monetary base).

We have seen a real-life example of this phenomenon recently. As the monetary base in the United States has increased fourfold, the proportion of US economic output that one dollar claims has not fallen by 75%.

The reason this is the case is because in a state of intertemporal equilibrium, the value of money must discount expectations regarding the long-term path of both real output and the monetary base.

Let’s assume that the Moneyholders’ Agreement states that the “in principle” proportion of output that one unit of the monetary base can claim at a future point in time is the expected “baseline proportion” for that given future period. Furthermore, the baseline proportion at that future point in time shall be determined with reference to the initial baseline proportion at the time the Moneyholders’ Agreement came into effect (the day the fiat currency was launched) adjusted for the increase/decrease in the size of the monetary base since that time.

Now, will the proportion of output that one unit of money can buy today (the “realized proportion”) be equal to the “in principle” proportion of output that the same unit of money should be able to buy today (the current “baseline proportion”)? The answer is “probably not”.

The reason for this is that the value of money today discounts a chain of future expected values.

As mentioned, we can only spend the dollar in our pocket once. Therefore, we need to choose when to spend the marginal dollar in our possession: we could spend it now, in six months, in six years, or in twenty years.

Part of this decision process involves calculating what the value of that dollar in pocket will be over time. For example, if we think the value of the dollar in our pocket is about will significantly over time, then we will prefer to spend it now.

The problem is that if everyone suddenly decides that the value of money will fall significantly at some point in the future, then the value of money will fall today. If everyone decides that the value of money will fall in the future, then more people will attempt to spend money today and fewer people will be willing to accept money in exchange for real goods/services at the going rate.

In economic terms, a state of intertemporal equilibrium is disrupted. The only way to restore intertemporal equilibrium is for the value of money to fall until it reaches the point where people are indifferent about spending the marginal unit of money today, in 6 months or in 20 years.

Expectations of the “Real Output/Monetary Base” Ratio Are Key

Now, let’s bring this back to the terms of the Moneyholders’ Agreement. As discussed, money represents a proportional claim on the future output of society. The Moneyholders’ Agreement allows us to calculate the in principle proportion of output that one unit of money can buy at any point in the future (the baseline proportion at launch of the fiat currency adjusted for any increase or decrease in the monetary base).

If the market suddenly decides that, for much of the next 20 years, output growth will be lower than expected and the monetary base will be higher than expected, then what happens to the current value of a proportional claim on future output?

Clearly, the current value of that claim must fall: there is less future output for each unit of the monetary base to claim and there will be more claims against that future output (the size of the monetary base will be higher than previously anticipated).

Even though there has been no change in current output or current levels of the monetary base, the value of money depends upon a chain of future expectations and, therefore, must reflect expectations regarding the long-term path of real output and the monetary base.

Conversely, the opposite could be true. As we have seen recently in the United States, the monetary base can be increased dramatically, with little or no impact on the value of money, if the increase in the monetary base is perceived to be “temporary”.

Money is a long-duration asset: its value depends upon expectations of the long-term (20-30 year) path of the “real output/base money” ratio. It matters little to the value of money if this ratio falls and is expected to remain low for a few years. What matters is the long-term path of this ratio.

In this sense, the value of fiat money provides us with a gauge of market confidence regarding the expected long-term economic prosperity of the nation that issued it. Presently, global markets remain optimistic about the long-term economic future of the major fiat currency nations (US, Japan, Europe). However, if this confidence is eroded, then the value of those fiat currencies will fall, increasing the risk of a return of high levels of inflation in those nations.

Proportional Claim Theory vs Quantity Theory of Money

Proportional Claim Theory (the theory espoused above) provides us with a useful explanation for why the quantity theory of money works over long periods of time, but not over short periods of time.

If money is a proportional claim on the future output of society, then one would expect that over long periods of time, if the monetary base grows at a rate far in excess of real output, then the value of money would fall significantly and the price level would rise significantly.

However, as discussed above, over short periods of time, changes in the current ratio of “real output/base money” has little impact on the value of money. Money is a long-duration asset. Therefore, in the short-term, fluctuations in the value of money are driven primarily by shifts in expectations regarding the long-term future path of real output and the monetary base. Therefore, over short periods of time, the price level is primarily driven by swings in these future expectations.

This idea can be expressed more clearly by developing a valuation model for fiat money. If we combine Proportional Claim Theory and the notion of intertemporal equilibrium, we can derive a valuation model or “discounted future benefits” model for fiat money.

Value of Money and Long Term Expectations

The valuation model for fiat money suggest that the value of money depends on not just current level of real output and the monetary base (q and M above), but also on expectations regarding the long-term growth rate of real output (g) and the long-term growth rate of the monetary base (m).

Not surprisingly, the value of money is positively correlated to confidence in the economic future of society. If people believe that output growth (g) will be strong and that monetary base growth (m) will be constrained, then this supports the value of money. Conversely, if people become more pessimistic about the growth of output relative to money, then this will undermine the value of money.

If you are interested in reading more about this issue or exploring some of the ideas discussed above, then please download The Velocity Enigma, the third and final paper in The Enigma Series.

The Evolution of Money: Why Does Fiat Money Have Value?

  • Over the past two thousand year, money, in all its many forms, has played a critical role in the development of human society. Commodity money, money whose value comes from the commodity from which it is made, has a very long history. “Commodity-backed” or “representative” money also has a relatively long history. In contrast, fiat money is an anomaly of economic history, a strange invention of the modern age.
  • The use of fiat money is so widespread that many of us seldom question why it has value: it just does. But for economists, the question of why non-asset backed money or fiat money has value is fundamental.
  • Surprisingly, economics struggles to provide a simple answer to the basic question “why does fiat money have value?” Most answers to this question rely, at least to some degree, on the notion that fiat money has value because it is accepted a medium of exchange. But this line of reasoning creates a circular argument: “fiat money has value because it is accepted as a medium of exchange, fiat money is accepted as a medium of exchange because it has value”.
  • In order to break this pattern of circular logic, we need a new way to think about money. The first step in this process is asking the question “why does any asset have value?”
  • For example, why does land have value? Why does a government bond have value? The answer in each case is different. Land has value because it is a real asset. In contrast, a government bond has value because it is a financial instrument.
  • The view of The Money Enigma is that every asset derives its value either from its physical properties or from its contractual properties. Fiat money is not a real asset and can not derive its value from its physical properties. Therefore, fiat money must derive its value contractually.
  • In order to help us think about this point, we will trace the evolution of money from commodity money to representative money (commodity-backed money) to modern-day fiat money. It will be argued that when the commodity-backed feature of representative money was removed, the explicit contract that governed representative money must have been replaced by an implied-in-fact This new implied-in-fact contract is what gives fiat money its value.
  • The difficult question for economists is what is the nature of this implied-in-fact contract? This is a difficult question that we will address in more detail next week when we consider the question “what factors influence the value of money?” However, the view of The Money Enigma is that money is a special-form of equity instrument and a proportional claim on the future output of society.

Why does any asset have value?

While there are not many things that can be said with certainty in economics, one thing that can be said with certainty is that “money” remains an enigma. A simple question such as “what is money?” can trigger hours of debate among professional economists. In an attempt to lessen confusion, economists have been forced to invent multiple classifications of money such as “base money” and “broad money”. A myriad of different tests have been created to test whether an asset possesses the quality of “moneyness”. Despite these efforts, the basic of question of “what is money?” is not easily answered.

Perhaps it is not surprising then that the question “why does money have value?” is even more difficult to answer. There is an immediate and instinctive view among most economists that money is something special. It is a unique asset and, at least from a theoretical standpoint, must be treated differently from other assets.

There is no doubt that money, or more specifically, fiat money, is “unique”. After all, fiat money is a relatively recent invention when viewed on the grand scale of economic history. However, maybe money is not quite as “special” as most economists believe.

The view of The Money Enigma is that rather than trying to answer the question “why does money have value?” by treating money as special, we should begin our analysis by treating money as if it is just another asset. More specifically, we should first answer the question “why does any asset have value?” and then, once we have established a sensible answer to that question, see how money fits into that context. While it may be that we can’t find a perfect answer to the question by pursuing this path, at least we will have a sensible framework to begin our analysis with.

So, why does an asset have value? Let’s begin by rephrasing the question: how does an asset derive its value? Fortunately, there is a well-established paradigm in finance that we can use to answer this question.

Assets can only derive their value in two ways: either they derive their value from their physical properties or they derive their value from their contractual properties. Another way of saying this is that an asset either derives its value from it’s the usefulness of its physical properties (for example, land is valuable because it can be used to grow crops) or from the liability that it represents to another party (for example, a bond is valuable because it represents a contractual obligation by the issuer to pay a set of cash flows to the holder of that bond).

In simple terms, if something doesn’t derive any value from its natural or intrinsic properties, then the only way it can derive value is if it creates an obligation on a third party to deliver something of value.

This paradigm is so fundamental that it is used as the basis of classification of assets for accounting purposes. For accounting purposes, every asset must be classified as either a “real asset” or a “financial instrument”.

Real assets versus financial instruments

A real asset is an asset that is tangible or physical in nature. More importantly, it is an asset that derives its value from these tangible or physical properties.

A financial instrument is, according to “IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation”, a “contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.”

A financial instrument is, by definition, both an asset and a liability. A financial instrument derives its value as an asset from the liability that it represents to another. In this sense, the value of a financial instrument can be considered to be an artificial creation of a contract entered into by economic agents.

So, where does fiat money fit in this simple paradigm? Does fiat money derive its value from its physical nature or does it derive its value from the liability that it represents to its issuer?

The view of The Money Enigma is that fiat money is a financial instrument and derives its value solely from the nature of the liability that it represents. Money is an asset to one party because it is a liability to another. More specifically, money is a liability of society (the ultimate issuer of money) and represents a proportional claim on the future output of society.

The notion that money is a proportional claim on the future output of society is a complex idea. In order to understand this point, it helps to think about the evolution of money over time. By tracking the development of money over time, it is easier to see why there is a good prima facie case for the view that fiat money derives its value from an implied-in-fact contractual relationship that exists between holders of money (you and me) and the issuer of money (our society).

The Evolution of Money

Money has taken many forms over the centuries. If we loosely define money as a widely accepted medium of exchange, then we can say that there have been thousands of different types of money used globally over the past few thousand years including, but not limited to, cowry shells (used as currency in Africa and China), koko (a unit of rice used in Japan’s feudal system), grain, copper, bronze, gold coins and paper notes.

However, our purpose today is not to discuss all the various forms that money has taken, but rather to discuss how money has evolved from commodity money to the fiat money that we use today.

In nearly every society, the first form of money used was some form of commodity money, money that was, quite literally, a basic commodity that had value in that society. Over time, as commerce became more sophisticated and trade became more widespread, the use of perishable commodities (such as grain and rice) as money became less common. Less-perishable commodities, such as copper, silver and gold became the predominant mediums of trade. The acceptance of these metals accelerated when they were issued in coin form.

All of these forms of commodity money derived their value from their physical properties. Early coins were accepted because the metals they were made of were valuable in and of themselves. If a government started debasing their coins, often by reducing the amount of the metal in the coin, then the value of the coin would fall and prices, as measured in terms of that coin, would rise.

Even in the times of the Roman Empire, the principle that the value of money is the denominator of the price level. As the Romans debased the value of their coins (by cutting down on the metal content of each coin), prices began to rise. “Ratio Theory of the Price Level”, the notion that the value of money is the denominator of the price level, is discussed in a recent post titled “What Causes Inflation?

The point is that money in ancient societies, commodity money, was a real asset that derived its value from its physical properties.

The problem with commodity money is that it restricts the capability of governments to finance wars and other public expenditures: you can’t pay your armies in gold coin if you run out of gold. This problem led to the invention of the first “representative money”. Rather than paying the armies in gold, the ancient kings and emperors decided to pay soldiers by issuing pieces of paper that were promises to deliver gold on request.

The first paper money was nothing more than a legal contract: an explicit contract that promised, on request, the delivery of a certain amount of gold or silver from the treasury of the king. The value of this paper money was derived solely from its contractual properties.

Many of the major modern currencies we use today were, at one time, asset-backed currencies. The British Pound and the US Dollar, the two currencies that dominated global trade over the last three hundred years, were both gold-backed currencies for many years. For a long time, the value of both these major currencies depended upon the explicit contract that promised holders that they were convertible into gold.

However, there was one key problem with this arrangement: it limited the amount of money that both governments could create.

At some point, it was decided that we should simply drop the gold convertibility feature. In effect, the explicit contract that promised holders this piece of otherwise worthless paper could be exchange for a real asset was rendered null and void.

So, why did these currencies maintain any value at all? After all, when these paper currencies were first issued, the only reason they were accepted in exchange was because they were “as good as gold”.

The popular view is that these paper currencies maintained their value because, after many years, people were accustomed to using them. In the language of an economist, the fiat money maintained its value when the gold convertibility feature was removed because it was already widely accepted as a medium of exchange.

The problem with this argument is that it relies on a circular argument, a form of logical fallacy.

In order for something to act as a medium of exchange it must have value. Benjamin Anderson, in his book “The Value of Money” (1917), states, “the medium of exchange must have value, or else be representative of something which has value. There can be no exchange in the economic sense without a quid pro quo, without value balancing value, at least roughly in the process”.

What does this mean? In simple terms, we are not going to part with something of value (a good or service) unless we receive something of value in return. We will not accept money in exchange unless it possesses the property of market value.

Therefore, money can only serve as a medium of exchange because it has value.

Now, let’s ask the question again “why does money have value?” Can you see the problem? Is it reasonable to argue that money has value because it is a medium of exchange if we also recognize that money serves as a medium of exchange because it has value? No, it isn’t. What we have created is a circular argument.

We can only resolve this circular argument by breaking one of its legs. Notably, we need another way of thinking about how fiat money derives it value. Fiat money must have value in order to act as a medium of exchange, so how does it derive this value?

Why Does Fiat Money Have Value?

As discussed earlier, it is generally recognized that all assets derive their value in one of two ways: real assets derive their value from their physical properties, while financial instrument derive their value from their contractual properties.

Fiat money is not a real asset and does not derive its value from its physical properties. Therefore, prima facie, fiat money is a financial instrument and must derive its value from its contractual properties, even if that contract is implied rather than explicit.

Most economists haven’t spent much time speculating on the potential nature of the implied contract that money represents. This is unfortunate because such speculation could provide interesting insights into how the value of money is determined.

The view of The Money Enigma is that we can apply at least some elements of traditional finance theory to a theory of money. First, we need to identify the issuer of money. While the legal issuer of base money is the government, the ultimate economic issuer of money is society itself.

Fiat money liability of society

Second, we need to think about what it economic benefit is possessed or created by the issuer that could be promised to the holder of money. In the case of society, the obvious economic benefit that could be promised is future economic output. As the slide below illustrates, society can implicitly authorise government to issue claims against the future output of society. Although fiat money (the monetary base) is legally a liability of government, economically it is a liability of society itself and a claim against the most valuable economic benefit society produces: its future output.

Money as Proportional Claim on Future Output

Third, we need to consider whether the claim represents a fixed or variable entitlement to that future economic output. The view of The Money Enigma is that money represents a variable or proportional entitlement to the future economic output of society.

In this sense, money is a special form of equity instrument: just as a share of common stock represents a proportional claim on the future cash flow of a business, one unit of base money represents a proportional claim on the future economic output of society.

This theory is explored at length in The Money Enigma and The Velocity Enigma. Those readers looking for a short-form discussion of this idea might care to read a recent post titled “Money as the Equity of Society”.

Next week we will discuss how this theory of money can be used to think about the key factors that influence the value of money.

A New Economic Theory of Price Determination

  • The view of The Money Enigma is that current microeconomic models of price determination provide a limited and very one-sided view of the price determination process. In this week’s post, we shall explore the theory that every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand. More specifically, the price of one good (“the primary good”) in terms of another good (“the measurement good”), is determined by both supply and demand for the primary good and supply and demand for the measurement good.
  • The traditional microeconomic view is that price is determined by supply and demand for one of the goods being exchanged (the “primary good”). For example, the traditional view is that the price of apples is determined by supply and demand for apples. However, in every transaction, there are two goods that are exchanged.
  • For example, in a barter economy, we might exchange two bananas for one apple. So, does the price of this trade (the ratio of bananas for apples) depend upon supply and demand for apples or supply and demand for bananas? The answer is both.
  • We can apply this concept to the determination of “money prices”. In a money-based transaction, we exchange one good (the primary good) for money (the measurement good). The price of the primary good, in money terms, is a function of both supply and demand for the primary good and supply and demand for money (the measurement good).
  • The notion that “every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand” provides us with a universal theory of price determination: it is a theory of price determination that can be applied to the determination of any price: good/good prices (barter prices), good/money prices (“money prices”) or money/money prices (foreign exchange rates).
  • In order to illustrate every price as a function of two sets of supply and demand, we need to understand the measurement of “market value”. In last week’s post, we examined what a “price” is. It was argued that every price is a relative measurement of market value: the market value of one good (the “primary good”) in terms of the market value of another good (the “measurement good”).
  • Furthermore, we discussed the notion that market value can be measured in the absolute. In order to measure a property in the absolute, you need a “standard unit” of measurement. It was proposed that economics should adopt a standard unit for the measurement of market value called “units of economic value”.
  • We can use this standard unit to plot how supply and/or demand for a good might react to changes in the absolute market value of that good (the market value of the good as measured in terms of our “standard unit”). Rather than plotting supply and demand with price (a relative measure of market value) on the y-axis, we can plot supply and demand using our “standard unit” on the y-axis (an absolute measure of market value).
  • Importantly, this allows us to plot supply and demand for both goods that are being exchanged independently. We can then examine whether a change in the price of the primary good, in terms of the measurement good, is due to a change in supply and demand for the primary good or supply and demand for the measurement good.

Price Determination TheoryThe view of The Money Enigma is that every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand.

What this means, in simple terms, is that the price of one good, in terms of another good, depends upon supply and demand for both goods.

Price Determined by Two Sets Supply and DemandFurthermore, this principle holds true in a money-based economy. The price of a good, in terms of money, depends upon both supply and demand for the good and supply and demand for money (the monetary base). Notably, supply and demand for money (the monetary base) determines the market value of money, not the interest rate.

There are two ways to explain this theory. First, there is a simple, intuitively appealing and fairly non-technical way to think about the issue. Second, there is a far more technical path that requires an understanding of the issues discussed in last week’s post “The Measurement of Market Value: Absolute, Relative and Real”. Let’s begin with a simple overview of the theory and think about how prices are determined in a barter economy.

Price Determination in a Barter Economy: A Simple Overview

Price determination in a barter economy may seem like a strange topic to discuss in a world where nearly all transactions are conducted with money. However, analysing the process of price determination in a barter economy allows us to get back to basics and really think about the issues involved.

If we can understand how prices are determined in a barter economy, then this provides us with a basic model that we should be able to extend into a money-based economy. Furthermore, a comprehensive theory of price determination should be able to explain not only the determination of prices in a money-based economy, but also the determination of prices in a barter economy with no money and no accepted medium of exchange.

Let’s imagine a barter economy with no accepted medium of exchange (no good is used as “money”) and think about how prices are determined in that economy. For example, let’s try and answer this question: “how is the price of apples determined in a barter economy?”

Already, we have a problem. What do we mean when we say “the price of apples” in the context of a barter economy?

In a money-based economy, we would normally assume that the question refers to the price of apples in money terms. However, in our barter economy, there is no money and no good that is used as money. So, exactly what is “the price of apples” in the context of a barter economy?

There are many different ways to express the price of apples in a barter economy. We could express the price of apples in terms of bananas, or in terms of rice, or in terms of any other good that is widely traded in that economy.

The key point here is that the price of apples must be expressed in terms of some other good. Why? Every price, including the “price of apples”, is a ratio of two quantities exchanged: a certain quantity of one good for a certain quantity of another.

Let’s choose bananas as our second measurement good, the good that we use to measure the price of apples and let’s ask the question again: “how is the price of apples, in banana terms, determined in a barter economy”?

Now we have a meaningful question to answer. But before we do, let’s restate the question. As discussed, every price is a merely a ratio of two quantities exchanged. So let’s rephrase the question this way: “how is the ratio of exchange between bananas and apples determined in a barter economy?”

Does the ratio of exchange, “bananas for apples”, depend upon supply and demand for apples, or does it depend upon supply and demand for bananas? The answer is both.

For argument’s sake, let’s assume that the current ratio of exchange in our barter economy is two bananas for one apple (the price of apples, in banana terms, is two bananas). What are the factors that might influence this ratio of exchange?

What would be the impact of a sharp reduction in supply of apples upon the ratio of exchange? For example, if the apple crop failed and apples were in short supply, then, all else remaining equal, what would happen to the ratio of exchange “bananas for apples”? Clearly, the price of apples, in banana terms would rise: you would have to offer more than two bananas in order to get your hands on an apple, apples now being in short supply.

This example sits well with mainstream theory. A reduction in the supply of apples will increase the price of apples.

Now, let’s try a different scenario. Once again, let’s assume the ratio of exchange is two bananas for one apple. What happens if, all else remaining equal, there is a sharp reduction in the supply of bananas?

Let’s step back and think about this. Imagine a new parasite damages most of the banana tress and the supply of bananas is cut dramatically. All else remaining equal, do you think it would still be possible to swap one apple for two bananas? No. There is a shortage of bananas and bananas are now more valuable. Therefore, you would expect that one apple might only be able to obtain one banana, rather than the previous two bananas. Perhaps you might even need to offer two apples to buy one banana.

The point is that our ratio of exchange, bananas for apples, depends upon both supply and demand for apples and supply and demand for bananas. The problem for mainstream economics is that our example implies that the price of apples (the ratio of bananas exchanged for apples) depends upon supply and demand for bananas!

So, how do we resolve this seemingly awkward situation?

At a high level, the answer is simple. All we need to do is to recognize the general principle that the price of one good, the “primary good”, in terms of another good, the “measurement good”, depends upon both supply and demand for the primary good and supply and demand for the measurement good.

In the case of our example, the price of apples (the “primary good”), in terms of bananas (the “measurement good”), depends upon both supply and demand for apples and supply and demand for bananas.

The harder issue that we need to address is how do we illustrate this? How do we show the price of apples, in banana terms, as a function of two sets of supply and demand?

This brings us to the more technical part of our discussion. In order to understand how every price can be illustrated as a function of two sets of supply and demand we need a better understanding of what a “price” is and how the property of “market value” can be measured.

Every Price is a Function of Two Sets of Supply and Demand

In order to understand how every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand, we need to step back and think about the concept of “price”.

So far, we have discussed the widely accepted notion that every price is a ratio of two quantities of exchanged: a certain quantity of a measurement good for a certain quantity of a primary good.

This definition is fine, but it doesn’t tell us much about the process of price determination. Rather, we need to think about the concept of “price” in more fundamental terms. More specifically, what does the price of a good, in terms of another good, indicate to us about the relative economic relationship that exists between the two goods?

Let’s return to our apples and bananas example for one moment. If the ratio of exchange in our barter economy is two bananas for one apple, then what does that imply about the value of apples relative to the market value of bananas? Clearly, it suggests that one apple is worth twice as much as one banana.

In slightly more technical terms, we can say that the market value of one apple is twice the market value of one banana. The apple possesses the property of “market value”. Similarly, the banana possesses the property of “market value”. The price of apples, in banana terms, reflects the relative market value of the two goods being exchanged (the market value of apples relative to the market value of bananas).

Therefore, we can say that “price” is a relative measurement of the property of “market value”. All economic goods (including money) possess the property of market value. A “price” is one method of measuring the market value of a good: it measures the market value of a good in terms of the market value of another good. For example, if the price of an apple, in banana terms, is two bananas, then this implies that an apple has twice the market value of a banana.

The observation that “every price is a relative measure of market value” is interesting because it suggests that there is an alternative way to measure the property of “market value”: the alternative method is measuring market value in the absolute.

Before we think about measuring market value in the absolute, let’s think about what is required to measure any physical property in the “absolute”. We discussed this topic at great length in last week’s post “The Measurement of Market Value: Absolute, Relative and Real”. While the topic may seem a little abstract, it is a critical concept to this theory of price determination and I strongly encourage you to read it.

By convention, in order for a measurement to be considered an absolute measurement, it must be made using a “standard unit” of measurement. For example, in order to measure the height of a tree in an absolute sense, we need a standard unit of measurement for height, such as inches.

Standard units of measurement have two critical properties. First, they must possess the property that they are used to measure. Second, they must be invariable in that property.

There is a third property common to most standard units: they tend to be theoretical in nature. For example, there is no such thing in nature as “one inch”. We made it up. The reason most standard units are artificial/theoretical is because almost nothing in nature is invariable.

This is true of the market value of goods. No good possesses the quality of invariable market value. Therefore, no good can act as a “standard unit” for the measure of market value. This is also true of money (currencies). No currency possesses the property of invariable market value.

So, how do we measure market value in the absolute? We need to create a standard unit for the measure of market value. Since no standard unit for the measurement of market value exists in nature, we need to make one up. In last week’s post, I proposed that we introduce a standard unit called a “unit of economic value”. “Units of economic value” are invariable measures of the property of market value, just as feet and inches are invariable measures of the property of length.

Adopting this standard unit for the measurement of market value is important because it allows us to demonstrate two critical points.

First, it allows us to illustrate how the price of a primary good, in terms of a measurement good, is a relative expression of the market value of both the primary good and the measurement good.

Consider our earlier example, the price of apples in banana terms. Let’s assume that we measure the market value of apples using our new standard unit. We can now measure the market value of apples in the absolute and denote this as V(A). Furthermore, we can separately measure the market value of bananas using our new standard unit and denote the absolute market value of bananas as V(B).

Price as Ratio of Two Market ValuesThe price of apples, in banana terms, is a relative measurement of the market value of apples V(A) and in terms of the market value of bananas V(B). For example, if the market value of an apple is twice that of a banana, then the price of apples, in banana terms, is two bananas. Mathematically, the ratio of quantities exchange, the quantity of bananas Q(B) for a quantity of apples Q(A), is simply the reciprocal of the ratio of the two absolute market values.

The slide above implies that the price of apples, in banana terms, simply depends upon the market value of apples relative to the market value of bananas. All else remaining equal, if the market value of apples V(A) rises, then the price of apples will rise. Conversely, if the market value of bananas V(B) rises, then the price of apples, in banana terms, will fall.

We can extend this to a money-based economy. In a money-based economy, the market value of money is the denominator of every “money price”. All else equal, if the market value of money rises, then prices will fall. If the market value of money falls, then, all else equal, prices will rise.

The second important use for our standard unit for the measurement of market value is that it allows us to demonstrate how every price can be illustrated as a function of two sets of supply and demand.

As discussed, the price of apples, in banana terms, depends upon both the market value of apples V(A) and the market value of bananas V(B). How is the market value of a good determined? Supply and demand!

Price Determination Barter EconomyThe market value of apples V(A) is determined by supply and demand for apples. The market value of bananas V(B) is determined by supply and demand for bananas. The price of apples, in banana terms, is a relative expression or a ratio of these two market values. Therefore, the price of apples, in banana terms, is determined by two sets of supply and demand.

This illustration of the price determination process is  useful because it allows us to isolate and analyze how changes in either market (the market for apples or the market for bananas) may impact the price of apples as measured in banana terms. For example, an increase in supply of bananas will lower the market value of bananas V(B). If nothing changes in the market for apples (the market value of apples V(A) is constant), then the price of apples, in banana terms, will rise as a result of an increase in supply of bananas.

Price Determined by Two Sets Supply and DemandWe can extend this paradigm to the determination of money prices by simply replacing one measurement good (bananas) with another measurement good (money). The price of apples, in money terms, is determined by both supply and demand for apples and supply and demand for money.

It should be noted that this concept sits in stark contrast to traditional Keynesian theory. Keynes’ liquidity preference theory suggests that supply and demand for money determines the interest rate. The view of The Money Enigma is that this is wrong. In order for prices to be expressed in money terms, money must possess the property of market value. Supply and demand for money determines the market value of money. In turn, the market value of money is the denominator of every “money price” in the economy.

Before we finish this week’s post, I want to make one final point. This theory of price determination can be neatly reconciled with the traditional illustration of supply and demand taught in economics textbooks.

The traditional view is that the price of a good is determined by supply and demand for that good. Economists illustrate this by using “price” on the y-axis. This view of the price determination process is fine as long as it is recognized by the user that this traditional illustration of the price determination process implicitly assumes that the market value of the measurement good is constant.

For example, in our barter economy, if we assume that the market value of bananas is constant, then when we plot supply and demand for apples we don’t need to use our theoretical standard unit for the measurement of market value on the y-axis. Rather than using a theoretical invariable measure of market value (units of economic value) we can simply use an assumed invariable measure of market value (the market value of bananas).

While it may not be explicitly acknowledged, most textbook illustrations of price determination simply assume that the market value of the measurement good (most commonly “money”) is constant. This is perfectly fine if the assumption is acknowledged. However, this traditional view of supply and demand provides most students with a very one-sided view of the price determination process.

The view of The Money Enigma is that every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand. The current mainstream view that price is a function of one set of supply and demand is a primary source of many misconceptions in economics, most notably, the poorly conceived notion that supply and demand for money determines the interest rate.

If you would like to learn more about these theories then please visit the Price Determination section of The Money Enigma.

Author: Gervaise Heddle,

The Measurement of Market Value: Absolute, Relative and Real

  • In any scientific pursuit, it is critical to understand the different approaches that can be used to measure the physical properties that are being studied. At the most basic level, every scientist must be able to distinguish between an “absolute” measurement and a “relative” measurement.
  • Relative measurement is measuring something compared to other things, or estimating things proportionally to each other. For example, “the tree is twice as tall as the girl”.
  • Absolute measurement is measuring something compared to a “standard unit”. For example, we can use feet and inches to measure the height of the tree, “the tree is six feet high”.
  • What makes something a “standard unit” of measurement? A “standard unit” of measurement must possess two characteristics. First, the standard unit must possess the property being measured. Second, the standard unit must be invariable in that property (the length of one “inch” never changes; it is and must be invariable in order for it to be useful as a standard unit of measurement).
  • In the science of economics, one of the most important properties that economists are concerned with is the property of “market value”. Surprisingly, economics does not have a “standard unit” for the measurement of market value and, consequently, economics does not measure market value in the absolute.
  • “Price”, the most commonly used measure of market value, is a relative measure of market value. The price of one good, in terms of another good, is a relative measurement of market value, namely, the market value of one good (the “primary good”) in terms of the market value of another (the “measurement good”).
  • It is proposed that economics needs to introduce a standard unit for the measurement of market value. The adoption of this standard unit has many advantages. First, it can be used to illustrate how price is a relative expression of the market value of each of the two goods involved in an exchange. Second, it can be used to illustrate how every price is a function of not one, but two sets of supply and demand.
  • Furthermore, we can use the standard unit of market value to illustrate that supply and demand for money does not determine the interest rate. Rather, supply and demand for money determines the market value of money, the denominator of every “money price”.
  • In the last section, we will discuss the concept of “real prices”. Many commentators seem to believe that the “real price” of a good is somehow an absolute measurement of market value. It is not. It will be argued that a real price is a relative measure of market value. More specifically, the real price of a good is merely the market value of a good in terms of the market value of the basket of goods. The market value of the basket of goods is not invariable. Therefore, a real price is not an absolute measurement of market value.

Absolute versus Relative Measurement: the General Principle

The act of measurement is, by definition, an act of comparison. In this sense, all measurements are “relative”. For example, consider the height of the tree. We can measure the height of the tree in terms of the girl standing next to the tree (the tree is twice as tall as the girl) or in terms of feet and inches (the tree is six feet tall). Either way, we are comparing one thing that possesses the property of height/length (the tree) with another thing that possesses the property of height/length.

But if all measurement is an act of comparison (for example, comparing the tree to feet and inches), then what does it mean to say that a measurement is “absolute”?

A measurement is considered to be “absolute” if we measure something compared to a “standard unit” of measurement. In our example above, a “girl” is not a standard unit of measurement for the property of height/length. However, “feet” and “inches” are recognized as a standard unit of measurement for height/length. Therefore, the height of the tree in feet/inches is an absolute measurement of the height of the tree.

What makes something a “standard unit” of measurement?

In order for something to act as a standard unit of measurement for a given property, there are two key characteristics that thing must possess. First, it must possess that property. This may sound odd, but think about it. You couldn’t use an “inch” to measure length if an “inch” had no length.

Second, for something to be used as a standard unit of measurement, it must be invariable in that property. Measuring things in terms of “inches” wouldn’t be of much value to us if the length of one inch was constantly changing.

These are the two key characteristics of a standard unit of measurement, but there is a third characteristic that most standard units possess.: most “standard units” of measurement are theoretical.

In our example above, the girl has a certain physical height that exists in nature. However, the length of one “inch” is not something that exists in nature. We made it up. We decided, on a fairly arbitrary basis, that the length of one inch is “about that much”.

This is true of most standard units of measure: one hour, one mile, one kilogram – they are all theoretical measures of a particular property that we made up to help us measure various physical properties.

Why are most standard units of measurement theoretical? The reason we use theoretical entities as standard units of measure is because nearly everything in nature is variable. By definition, we can’t use objects that are variable in a property as “standard units” of measure of that property.

In summary, the key difference between an “absolute” and a “relative” measurement is the unit of measure being used. In the case of an absolute measurement, we use a “standard unit” of measure. Most standard units are theoretical units of measure and, importantly, they must be invariable in the property that they are measuring.

In contrast, a relative measurement is merely a comparison of one object (the primary object) with another (the measurement object): it does not require that the second object (the measurement object) is invariable in the property being measured.

In the next section, we will examine how “price” is a relative measurement of the property of “market value”. Furthermore, we will discuss the difference between “absolute” and “relative” market value and why the science of economics should introduce of a “standard unit” of measurement for the property of market value.

The Measurement of “Market Value”

By far the most popular way to measure the market value of a good is the “price” of a good. More specifically, the price of a good, as measured in currency terms, is what most people think of as the “market value” of that good.

However, “price” and “market value” are not the same thing.

“Market value” is a property of a good, a property determined by the interaction of economic agents. “Market value” is a property of a good, just as “length” is a property of a physical object.

“Price” is a method of measuring market value. More specifically, every price is a relative measurement: it is a measure of the market value of one good (the primary good) in terms of the market value of another good (the measurement good).

In our modern economy, the measurement good we normally use is money (prices are expressed in money terms). The problem with this, from a theoretical perspective, is that money is not a “standard unit” in the scientific sense. Why? Money is not a standard unit because the market value of money is not invariable. Rather, the market value of money, particularly fiat currency, is highly variable, especially over long periods of time.

Therefore, a “price” is a relative measure of market value, not an “absolute” measure of market value. This is an important distinction, for reasons we shall discuss shortly. But before we do, let’s take a moment to consider what it means to say that “every price is a relative measurement of market value”.

Let’s imagine that we are sitting at a table and I put on the table a one-dollar note and a banana. Next, I tell you that the market value of the banana is three times that of the one-dollar note. In other words, one banana is three times more valuable than one one-dollar note.

What is the price of the banana?

It’s not a trick question: the answer is three dollars. But why is the price of the banana “three dollars”?

Let’s think about it in terms of our earlier discussion. Both of the items on the table possess the property of “market value”. The banana has market value. The one-dollar bill has market value. We know this must be the case. Why? If one of the goods does not possess the property of market value, then we can’t compare them: we can’t say that “one banana is three times more valuable than one one-dollar bill” unless both the banana and the one-dollar bill have value.

In this example, the banana is three times more valuable than the one-dollar bill. If I wanted to buy the banana from you, I would have to offer you three dollars in exchange for the banana. This ratio of quantities exchanged (three dollars for one banana) is the price of the trade and it is determined by the relative market value of the two goods being exchanged (the banana is three times more valuable than the dollar).

The price of the banana, in dollar terms, is a relative measurement of market value: the market value of bananas (the primary good) as measured in terms of the market value of money (the secondary good).

The simple notion that “price is a relative measurement of market value” implies that the price of a good, in money terms, can rise either because (1) the market value of the good rises, or (2) the market value of money falls.

But, how do we know if a price rise is caused by the first factor or the second factor? In order to assess this, we need a standard unit of measurement for market value. In other words, we need a theoretical and invariable unit of measure that can be used to measure whether the price has risen because (1) the market value of the good has risen, or (2) the market value of money has fallen.

Unfortunately, there is no “standard unit” for the measurement of market value in economics. Perhaps one reason for this is because there is no good that possesses the property of invariable market value. Human economic relationships are constantly changing and our resources are constantly changing, therefore there is no good, nor unit money, nor unit of labor that possesses the property of invariable market value.

But, that doesn’t mean we can’t create a theoretical standard unit of market value that we can use to measure the market value of any good or currency in the absolute. Just as we have created theoretical standard units of measure for length, weight and speed, so we can create a theoretical standard unit of measure for the property of market value.

The Enigma Series proposes the introduction of a standard unit for the measurement of market value. For lack of better name, this standard unit of market value is called a “unit of economic value” or “EV” for short.

You might ask: “how much is a unit of economic value”? Frankly, it doesn’t matter. We are not going to run around the farmers’ market measuring the market value of goods in EV terms. Rather, our standard unit of market value is a theoretical tool, a tool that can help us think about challenging theoretical problems in economics such as price determination and inflation.

Once we have a standard unit for the measurement of market, we can do a lot of interesting things with it. For example, we can clearly illustrate how “price” is a relative expression, or a “ratio”, of the market value of two goods.

Imagine that we have two goods, good A and good B. Now, imagine that we can measure the market value of good A in terms of our standard unit (units of economic value) and we denote this “absolute” market value of good A as “V(A)”. Now, imagine that we do the same thing with good B and denote the absolute market value of good B as “V(B)”.

The price of good A, in terms of good B, can now be expressed in two ways. We can express the price in the traditional way, as a ratio of the two quantities exchanged, or we can express the price as a ratio of the absolute market value of the two goods.

Price as Ratio of Two Market Values

The slide above implies that the price of good A, in good B terms, can rise either because (1) the market value of good, as measured in the absolute, rises, or (2) the market value of good B, as measured in the absolute, falls. In terms of our earlier example, the price of a banana (good A), in money terms (good B), can rise either because the market value of bananas V(A) rises or because the market value of money V(B) falls.

Where this idea gets really interesting is that it allows us to illustrate that every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand. The slide below illustrates how the price of good A, in good B terms, is determined by both supply and demand for good A and supply and demand for good B.

Price Determination Theory

The key to this illustration is our “standard unit” of measurement for market value. We can use this standard unit for measurement on the y-axis to plot supply and demand for both goods independently.

The view of The Enigma Series is that every price is a function of two sets of supply and demand. In simple terms, if price is a relative measurement of the market value of two goods (the market value of a primary good relative to the market value of the measurement good) and if the market value of a good is determined by supply and demand, then every price must be determined by two sets of supply and demand.

We will explore this theory of microeconomic price determination in greater detail next week. For now, the key point that I want to make is that the adoption of a standard unit for the measurement of market value could open up a lot of very interesting theoretical pathways for the science of economics.

“Real” is not “Absolute”

There is a view among some commentators that the real price of a good is somehow an absolute measure of the market value of that good.

It isn’t.

The “real price” of a good is itself a price and, by definition, a relative measure of market value, not an absolute measure of market value.

In order to understand this concept, we can break it down into two simple parts. First, what is a “real price”? Second, what is required for something to be an “absolute” measurement?

The “real price” of a good measures how the price of a good changes in terms of the price of the basket of goods. The price of the basket of goods is also known as the “price level”.

For example, if the price of a banana triples, while over the same period the price level doubles, then we can say that the “real price” of the banana has increased by 50%.

The concept of “real prices” is a very useful concept. But, a real price is not an absolute measure of the market value of a good.

As discussed, in order for a measurement to be considered an “absolute” measurement, we need to use a “standard unit” of measure. Something can only act as a “standard unit” of measure if it is invariable in the property that it is being used to measure.

The price level is not invariable. The price of the basket of goods changes significantly over time.

Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, the basket of goods is not invariable in the property of market value. As discussed earlier, the market value of goods is constantly changing. Moreover, an average of the market value of a basket of goods is also constantly changing. Therefore, the basket of goods is not invariable in the property of market value and can not be used as a standard unit for the measurement of the property of market value.

Closing the loop, a “real price” is itself a “price”. The “real price” of bananas is simply the price of bananas in terms of the basket of goods. If the market value of the basket of goods is variable, which it is, then the “real price” is merely another form of relative measurement.

The Case for Unwinding QE

  • Ben Bernanke, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, says in his new book that it took “moral courage” to embark on the path of quantitative easing. I suppose that history will be the judge of that statement. What is clear, seven years later, is that the Fed’s failure to reverse QE does not represent an act of courage, but rather a lack of courage.
  • Quantitative easing (“QE”) is, without doubt, the most controversial of all monetary policy programs conducted by the Federal Reserve in its one hundred year history. This week we will consider the benefits and the costs associated with reversing such an unprecedented and aggressive program of monetary base expansion.
  • While the near-term costs of reducing the monetary base may seem to outweigh the benefits, there is a terrible risk associated with the path of inaction. If the Federal Reserve fails to act, then the Fed risks losing not only its credibility, but any significant control over economic outcomes.
  • In many ways, the decision by the Fed to reduce the monetary base is similar to the decision that many of us might face when we think about returning to the gym after a period of long absence. It may be tough to get back on the treadmill after weeks of inactivity, but most of us understand that the benefits are worth it. Moreover, the long-term risks of not any taking action are, quite frankly, unacceptable.
  • Reversing quantitative easing is a good step for the long-term health of the economy. Capitalism, just like the human body, works best when it is constantly being tested. When the capital markets are working efficiently, good ideas thrive, while bad ideas are quickly discarded. By removing the trillions of excess capital that have flooded the global markets, both debt and equity markets can once again begin to send the right price signals to investors and entrepreneurs.
  • However, getting back into a regular exercise routine is tough. Similarly, removing a couple of trillion dollars from global financial markets is not going to be easy. There will be inevitable negative consequences in both the financial economy (a fall in the value of most financial assets) and the real economy (recession and higher unemployment), consequences that will make it politically difficult for the Fed to persist.
  • Nevertheless, while reversing quantitative easing will be no walk in the park for the global economy, the alternative is much worse. If the Fed fails to reduce the monetary base, then high levels of inflation will return. In a world overburdened with both private and public sector debt, a return of high inflation would have terrible consequences on the ability of the West to maintain current levels of leverage and, consequently, the global economy.

What is Courage?

Courage is the mental or moral strength to act in the face of fear and difficulty. Last week, Ben Bernanke claimed that it took “moral courage” to embark upon the path of quantitative easing. While it may have taken a certain intellectual “conviction” to commence quantitative easing, it is not clear that it took great “courage” to embark upon a program that the markets, and the public more generally, welcomed with open arms.

In contrast, reversing quantitative easing and reducing the bloated balance sheet of the Federal Reserve will require an act of great courage.

Let’s be clear on this point. In late 2008/early 2009, when the financial markets were in turmoil, the public-at-large, Wall Street and most politicians demanded that the Fed take dramatic action. With the Fed funds rate sitting already sitting at an extraordinarily low level (the fed funds rate was 1% at the time the depths of the crisis hit), the Fed had backed itself into a corner. It had little choice but to attempt something new.

Consequently, it didn’t take an act of “courage” to do something new and drastic in early 2009. However, this isn’t to say that it wasn’t the right thing to do: the first round of quantitative easing (QE1) represented a novel approach to crisis management and, at least in my personal opinion, it was an appropriate response in the circumstances at that time. Arguably, the most important mandate of the Fed, a role that is far more important than aggregate demand management, is “crisis control”. In early 2009, the Bernanke team did what had to be done. But it could hardly be described as an act of great courage.

Courage, in the political sense, is having the intellectual and moral strength to do the right thing in the face of tremendous opposition. It didn’t take great political courage to embark upon the path of QE, but it will take great political courage to substantially reverse QE.

In order to understand why there will be great opposition to any reversal of QE, we need to think about the impact that QE has had on both the markets and the economy. The best way to do this is to put the trillions of dollars created by QE into context.

Benefits and Costs of Unwinding QE

A few months ago I wrote a post titled “2015: A Happy New Year for Markets?” which attempted to highlight the incredible scale of the Fed’s quantitative easing program. The $4 trillion that has been created and “invested” in the global markets by the Federal Reserve over the last six-year period is an astonishing sum.

It is hard for most people to put this amount of money into context, but here is one example. If we assume that every car in America was bought with cash (no loans, no leases), then the American public would have to give up all new purchases of cars for six years in order to save and invest the same amount of money that the Federal Reserve has created and invested in the markets. You can see the math behind this in the original post mentioned above.

With this example in mind, it isn’t hard to see how the Fed’s actions have created a massive distortion in capital markets. In the normal course of business, the $4 trillion created by the Fed and invested in fixed income securities would need to be saved by American consumers, a process that would have created a severe economic recession. As the Federal Reserve bought government bonds (and limited amounts of other fixed income securities), this lowered the expected rate of return across all investment classes (government bonds, corporate bonds, listed equities, private equity, etc.), pushing yields to record lows and equities to record highs.

As you might imagine, just an incoming tide will lift all boats, so an outgoing tide will lower all boats. The problem is that there are a lot of people sitting in boats that are going to hit the rocks as the tide goes out. And this brings us to our first key point: it is going to be very difficult politically for the Federal Reserve to reverse quantitative easing.

By lowering expected rates of return across all assets, the Federal Reserve has induced a boom in global financial markets and a recovery, albeit sluggish, in the global economy, particularly in those sectors leveraged to cheap money (the shale oil industry is a great example of this).

However, not only does this process work in reverse, but it will probably follow a more volatile path. As the Federal Reserve sells the bonds on its balance sheet, someone has to buy them. At the margin, this means that someone has to sell corporate debt and equities to buy government bonds. If lots of people try to do this at the same time, then it is very easy for prices of these securities to adjust rapidly in order for equilibrium to be restored.

Aside from the very real potential of a market crash, reversing quantitative easing will have a short-term negative effect on the real economy (jobs etc.). As the cost of capital rises across the economy, new business projects will stall and many businesses that have survived on cheap debt and equity funding (shale oil, early-stage biotech, etc.) will suddenly find themselves with few backers.

Clearly, this doesn’t sound like a great scenario. So why should the Fed reverse quantitative easing?

First, let’s consider the benefits of reversing QE and then we can consider the long-term costs associated with a failure to reverse.

The key benefit from reversing QE is simple, but surprisingly difficult for most people to grasp. The long-term health of any society depends upon the efficient allocation of its scarce resources. Quantitative easing distorts the markets and removing this distortion is a good thing for our society.

While this point should be obvious to an educated person, there are many in the political classes who don’t seem to understand this important principle.

In a small tribal economy, the survival of everyone in that tribe depends upon the efficient use of the scarce resources. If people waste time gathering food that won’t store or making tools that the community doesn’t need, then this will imperil the ability of that small community to get through the tough times.

While the dynamics of a modern industrialized economy are much more complex, the principle is the same. Our society has limited resources and for our society to grow and prosper it must allocate all these resources to the right economic activities. This process begins in the capital markets: the markets for equity and debt securities need to send the right signals in order for everyone in our society to make sensible decisions about consumption, saving and investment.

A reversal of QE will remove much of the “froth” that currently exists in global capital markets, thereby enabling these markets to do their job more effectively.

This may sound like a bad deal: an economic recession and a fall in asset values all for the sake of “efficient capital markets”. Why should we as a society choose this path short-term pain?

The answer is simple: long-term gain.

We can use the analogy of returning to a regular exercise routing after a long absence. For most of us, running on the treadmill isn’t a lot of fun. “Rewarding” perhaps, but not “fun”. So why do we do it? The answer is that we trade off short-term pain for long-term gain. By physically stressing our bodies today, we prepare them for the challenges they face in the years ahead.

We can say the same for our society. By getting back on the treadmill of free market capitalism (and let’s face it, it is a treadmill and the experience is often not that “fun”), we prepare ourselves for the challenges that our society will face in the future. If we start making the right decisions today, then we don’t have reverse poor decisions in the future. Furthermore, the longer we put off making the right choices, the harder it will be when we have to.

Avoiding the Unthinkable

So far we have considered the benefits and costs of unwinding QE. But what happens if the Fed chooses not to unwind QE? Is there a happy ending?

The short answer is “no”.

But before we get into a discussion of economic theory, let’s return to our simple analogy and think about what happens when we keep avoiding regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

In the short-term, it doesn’t make much difference whether you get back the gym or not. You may start to notice that you are a little out of breath walking up the stairs at work or maybe the belt needs to be let out one notch.

However, in the long-term, it makes a very noticeable difference. More importantly, the “long-term” can suddenly and very painfully catch up with us (diabetes, heart attack, etc.)

Failure to return to a regular exercise routine probably won’t lead to disaster overnight, but it dramatically increases the risk of a whole series of outcomes that are “unthinkable”.

Similarly, central bank intervention will not lead to disaster overnight: thoughtful and temporary intervention by the central bank in capital markets will often make sense, particularly in a time of crisis. But if markets become addicted to central bank intervention, then it dramatically increases the risk of a whole series of “unthinkable” economic outcomes.

The best of these bad outcomes is a return of high inflation.

Many economies can sustain relatively high rates of inflation (5%-15% per annum) without a dramatic collapse in real economic activity or investment. In some ways, this type of inflation is the type 2 diabetes of economic life: you can live with it, but it isn’t great.

However, inflation can create very poor economic outcomes if coupled with other pre-existing economic conditions (just as diabetes can create very poor health outcomes if coupled with other pre-existing medical conditions). Most notably, economies that have become increasingly addicted to very low nominal interest rates and credit expansion are very vulnerable to even a modest increase in the rate of inflation.

So, why will inflation return if the Fed fails to reverse quantitative easing?

There are two ways to answer this question: there is a simple answer and a more complex answer.

The simple answer is that, in the long run, the quantity theory of money works. Over long periods of time, an increase in the monetary base that is in excess of an increase in real output, will lead to a corresponding increase in the price level.

This shouldn’t be a controversial point. The long-term empirical relationship between the “base money/real output” ratio and the price level has been extensively documented and discussed. While economists have developed many different theories regarding inflation (cost push, demand pull, output gap, inflation expectations, etc.), the only theory that has clear empirical support for explaining the long-term evolution of prices is the quantity theory of money.

Recently, many commentators seem to have become comfortable either ignoring quantity theory or dismissing it outright. It is very easy to fall into this trap because quantity theory does not hold in the short-term. For example, in the United States, the massive increase in the monetary base has not resulted in any inflation (at least not yet!).

Unfortunately, most commentators don’t understand the role of expectations in determining the value of money and, consequently, the price level.

The view of The Money Enigma is that the value money depends primarily upon expectations of the long-term (20-30 year) path of the “real output/base money” ratio.

Despite the massive increase in the monetary base, the markets still believe that QE is a temporary phenomenon. In other words, the markets expect that the Federal Reserve will reduce the monetary base over the next few years. Moreover, markets remain optimistic about long-term economic growth in the US, despite the threat of this reduction in the monetary base.

However, if the markets begin to doubt the Fed’s commitment to reducing the monetary base, or if the markets become more pessimistic about long-term growth in the US, then the value of the US Dollar could decline sharply and the price level could rise rapidly.

Why does the value of money depend upon distant future expectations regarding the size of the monetary base relative to real output? Those readers who are interested in the answer to this question should read “Money as the Equity of Society”.

In short, the view of The Money Enigma is that money is a proportional claim on the future output of society. Just as common stock is a proportional claim on the future cash flows of a business, so money is a special-form equity instrument that represents a proportional claim on the future cash flows of society.

We can use this concept to create a valuation model for money. The absolute market value of money (the market value of money as measured in terms of a standard unit for the measure of market value) depends upon the discounted future benefits that the marginal unit of money is expected to bring. The valuation model for money highlighted below suggests that the market value of money is positively correlated with long-term expectations of real output and negatively correlated with long-term expectations of base money.

Value of Money and Long Term Expectations

In simple terms, the value of a fiat currency depends upon the expected long-term prosperity of the society that issues it. Currently, the markets are very optimistic regarding the long-term prospects of the United States. But if the Fed blinks and that faith is tested, then the value of money could decline quickly, leading to a return of inflation.

On a final note, there is one more compelling reason for the Fed to unwind quantitative easing: the magician always needs to keep something up their sleeve.

If the US economy was to plunge into recession today, what could the Fed do? Increase the monetary base by a further $4 trillion? At some point, the markets will realize that the Fed is out of bullets (or at least one’s that work). At this point, the value of money will collapse, inflation will return and the Fed will lose any control over economic outcomes. This is the “unthinkable” and a scenario that none us want to experience.

In summary, The Fed needs to act now. It’s time to get back on the treadmill. If we don’t choose to do it now, we will only be forced to do it later.

What Determines the Velocity of Money?

  • In this article, I hope to provide readers with a new perspective on one of the great enigmas of economics: the velocity of money. Using some of the basic concepts discussed in previous articles, we will derive a simple model for the velocity of money and examine the implications of this model.
  • Velocity of Money ModelThis simple model for the velocity of money can be used to demonstrate that the velocity of base money is a dependent variable. More specifically, fluctuations in the velocity of base money merely reflect changes in the total market value of real output (VG q) relative to the total market of the monetary base (VM M).
  • Moreover, the velocity of money is critically dependent upon the value of money. In the slide above, we isolate the “market value of money” VM by measuring the market value of money in absolute terms using a “standard unit” for the measurement of market value. If the value of money VM falls, then, all else remaining equal, the velocity of money of money must rise. If money is less valuable (in the absolute) and there is the same amount of base money outstanding, then the monetary base must turn over more times to cover the value of the transactions in the economy.
  • At the end of this post, we will briefly discuss a more complex expectations-based model for the velocity of money that is derived from the Discounted Future Benefits Model for Money (a valuation model for money developed in The Velocity Enigma).

Introduction: A New Perspective on the Velocity of Money

The velocity of money is a key concept in economics, primarily because the velocity of money is one of four critical variables in the famous “equation of exchange”. Consequently, any quantity theory of money depends upon some assumption or theory regarding the behavior of the quantity theory of money.

Early proponents of the quantity theory of money argued that the velocity of money was relatively stable over the long term and, therefore, an increase in money supply that was in excess of a corresponding increase in real output over a certain period of time would lead to a rise in the price level.

While quantity theory remains a very useful concept over very long-term time horizons, it fails to be useful in any horizon less than 10-15 years because of the large variations that occur in the velocity of money. The velocity of money (or more specifically, the velocity of the monetary base) has experienced enormous swings over the past fifty years.

Velocity of Money is a Dependent VariableDespite much debate and discussion, economics has largely failed to produce useful models for forecasting major shifts in the velocity of money. The focus of this week’s post is to apply the basic principles of The Enigma Series to derive a simple equation for the velocity of money. Hopefully, this simple model for the velocity of money will provide readers with a better understanding of the key drivers of the velocity of money.

While we will discuss this model in more detail later, there are two key points that I want to highlight.

First, the velocity of base money is merely a ratio, a ratio that reflects the total absolute market value of real output transacted in a given period relative to the total absolute market value of the monetary base. If the absolute market value of the monetary base falls, say due to a fall in the absolute market value of money VM , then the monetary base must turn over more times in order to achieve the same absolute market value of transactions (VG q). The key to understanding this point is noting that the market value of goods and money can be measured in absolute terms (in terms of a standard unit for the measure of market value), a concept that we shall discuss shortly.

Second, the velocity of money is a dependent variable. In other words, rising velocity of money does not cause inflation; rather, it is simply a dependent variable that responds to changes in other causal variables (it is the changes in these other variables that cause inflation). This view echoes the thoughts of Henry Hazlitt who wrote an article titled “The Velocity of Circulation” (1968) in which he concludes by noting that the “velocity of circulation is a result, not a cause.” Hazlitt further notes that the velocity of money is “a passive resultant of changes in people’s relative valuations of money and goods”, a notion that is clearly supported by the equation above.

In order to understand the simple model for the velocity of money, one must understand how the property of market value can be measured in both the absolute and the relative. So, let’s briefly discuss the measurement of market value and then use this to derive the simple model for the velocity of money.

Deriving a Simple Model for the Velocity of Money

The process of deriving our model for the velocity of money is very simple, however, the conceptual logic behind the model is not. At issue, is the concept of “market value”, or, more specifically, the various ways in which the property of market value can be measured.

The view expressed in The Inflation Enigma, the second paper of The Enigma Series, is that every price is a relative expression of market value. A “price” is merely one method of measuring the market value of a particular economic good. More specifically, it is a way of measuring the market value of one good in terms of the market value of another good.

The problem with measuring the market value of one good (the “primary good”) in terms of the market value of another good (the “measurement good”) is that the market of the measurement good is not constant. The price of the primary good, in terms of the measurement good, can rise either because (i) the market value of the primary good rises, or (ii) the market value of the measurement good falls.

The Inflation Enigma posits that there is an alternative way to measure the property of market value and that is in terms of a theoretical and invariable measure of market value called “units of economic value”. A unit of economic value is merely an invariable measuring stick of market value, just as an “inch” is an invariable measuring stick of length.

By measuring the market value of goods in terms of this invariable measure of market value, we have a way to measure what one might call the “absolute market value” of each good.

Price as Ratio of Two Market ValuesThe price of the primary good, in terms of the measurement good, can now be expressed in mathematical terms as illustrated in the slide opposite

In our modern money-based economy, the measurement good mostly commonly used to measure the market value of other goods is money. Every “money price” is nothing more than a relative expression of the market value of a good relative to the market value of money. In other words, the price of a good depends upon both the market value of the good itself and the market value of money. As the market value of money falls, then, all else remaining equal, the price of the good, in money terms, will rise.

Ratio Theory of the Price LevelThis microeconomic theory of price determination can be easily extended to a macroeconomic theory of price level determination called the “Ratio Theory of the Price Level”. In essence, Ratio Theory states that if the market value of money is the denominator of every “money price” in the economy, then the market value of money must be the denominator of the price level.

If the market value of money VM falls, then the price level rises. Conversely, if the overall absolute market value of goods VG falls (for example, due to global competition in goods markets), the price level falls.

Derivation of Velocity of Money ModelOnce “Ratio Theory” is established, deriving the simple model for the velocity of money is very straightforward. First, we take the equation of exchange. Then, we substitute for the price level p in the equation of exchange with the ratio of two absolute market values described by Ratio Theory. Finally, we rearrange this new equation to solve for the velocity of money.

What Determines the Velocity of Money?

We can use this simple model for the velocity of money to think in broad terms about what causes changes in the velocity of base money.

The model presented above suggests that the velocity of the monetary base depends on four key variables. Let’s think about how a change in each of these variables, all else remaining equal, might impact the velocity of base money.

  1. Real output (“q”): all else remaining equal, if real output increases, then the velocity of money must increase. This should be a common sense result: if there is more activity in the economy, then each unit of base money needs to circulate more times.
  2. Monetary base (“M”): all else remaining equal (most notably, the market value of money), if the monetary base increases, then the velocity of the monetary base will fall. We have seen a good example of this phenomenon in recent times: as the Fed increased the monetary base, the velocity of money fell.
  3. The market value of money (“VM”): all else remaining equal, a fall in the value of money will lead to a rise in the velocity of money. The logic is simple: if there is a certain value of transactions to be done in the economy (VG q) and a fixed amount of base money (M), then a fall in the market value of money (VM) will necessitate a rise in the number of times each unit of base money must change hands in order for all the transactions in the economy to be completed.
  4. The market value of the basket of goods (“VG”) or the “general value level”: all else remaining equal, if the absolute market value of the basket of goods VG falls, then each unit of money needs to change hands fewer times in order to complete the total absolute market value of transactions in the economy.

The simplified examples above each assume “all else remaining equal”. But what happens if a change in one of the four variables also causes a change in another of the four variables. For example, what happens to the velocity of money if an increase in the size of the monetary base triggers a fall in the value of money?

In this scenario, it will depend on the relative moves. If the value of money falls by less (in percentage terms) than the increase in the monetary base, then the velocity of money will fall. However, this fall in the velocity of money will still be accompanied by an increase in inflation. Why? Assuming the absolute market value of goods is constant, inflation will rise because the value of money has fallen (see Ratio Theory slide).

Velocity of Money is a Dependent VariableAs discussed earlier, this simple model for the velocity of money accords with Hazlitt’s general idea that the velocity of money is a dependent, not a causal, variable. Moreover, the velocity of money merely reflects the relative valuation of goods and money. In general terms, as the total value of economic activity rises, the velocity of money rises. Conversely, as the total value of the monetary base falls (as measured in absolute terms), the velocity of base money must rise in order to cover the same total value of economic activity.

An Expectations-Based Solution for the Velocity of Money

While this simple model for the velocity of money is interesting, it doesn’t say much about the role of expectations in the determination of the velocity of money. Importantly, it doesn’t have much to say about what determines the market value of money.

The view of The Enigma Series is that the market value of money is determined by a complex set of long-term expectations. This idea has been discussed in two recent posts: “Money as the Equity of Society” and “A Model for Foreign Exchange Rate Determination”.

As discussed in both of these posts, the view of The Money Enigma is that base money represents a long-duration, proportional claim on the future output of society. Using this theory, The Velocity Enigma (the third paper in The Enigma Series) derives a valuation model for money called the “Discounted Future Benefits Model for the Market Value of Money”.

Expectations based solution for the velocity of moneyWe can use this valuation model for money to create an expectations-based solution for the velocity of money

The view explored in The Velocity Enigma is that the value of money depends primarily on the expected future path of the “real output/base money” ratio. Since the velocity of money is negatively correlated with the value of money (remember the simple model above), we can say that the velocity of money is correlated with the expected future path of the “base money/real output” ratio.

Let’s apply that idea to our present circumstances. The monetary base has increased and this has been accompanied by a fall in the velocity of money. Why? The velocity of money has fallen largely because the value of money has remained stable while the monetary base has risen.

However, what happens if the market begins to revise up its expectations for long-term base money growth and revise down expectations for long-term real output growth? The value of money will fall, the price level will rise and the velocity of money will rise.

This is the very real risk that policy makers face today. So far, the price level has remained contained while an increase in the monetary base has been absorbed by a fall in the velocity of money. But should expectations suddenly shift, for example, should the market suddenly become more pessimistic on the outlook for the US economy, the value of money could decline sharply, leading to a sharp rise in the velocity of money and an outbreak of severe inflation.

Government Debt & Inflation

  • Government debt has a critical role to play in the determination of inflation. More specifically, the market’s assessment of the sustainability of government debt and deficits has a direct impact on the market value of the fiat money issued by that society and, consequently, the rate of change in the price level.
  • Government has a simple choice when determining how to fund its deficits: issue debt (government debt) or issue equity (base money).
  • Money (the monetary base) is a long-duration, special-form equity instrument that represents a proportional claim on the long-term output of society.
  • Once government debt accumulates to a point that the market decides that the debt is unsustainable, the market will begin to discount (i) slower future output growth (deficits must be reigned in), and/or (ii) higher monetary base growth (at the margin, more funding needs to be financed by money creation).
  • The combined shift in these expectations (lower long-term output growth, higher long-term monetary base growth) puts downward pressure on the market value of money and upward pressure on the price level.
  • In this situation, a central bank may quickly become impotent in its fight against inflation as it losses control over long-term expectations.

Introduction: Government Debt and Inflation

This week we are going to explore the idea that the accumulation of high levels of government debt can have severe negative consequences. More specifically, we will analyze the relationship between excessive government debt and inflation.

The view of The Money Enigma is that fiscal policy plays a critical role in the determination of the price level. More specifically, a policy of persistent fiscal deficits combined with the accumulation of excessive government debt will, at some point, trigger a downward revision of market expectations regarding the future path of the “real output/base money” ratio. In turn, this shift in expectations may result in a significant fall in the value of money and an outbreak of high inflation.

At the present time, many economists and market participants seem to believe that there is little relationship between government debt and inflation. People point to the current high levels of government debt in Japan and/or the United States as proof that high levels of government debt (relative to GDP) have little to no impact on inflation.

This perspective ignores the historical experience of many less developed countries that have seen a massive collapse in the value of their currency and accompanied hyperinflation driven by fears of fiscal unsustainability. Unfortunately, there seems to be a view that somehow the Western World is “different” and immune to these forces.

Perhaps of greater concern is the fact that most economists believe that there is little to no relationship between government debt and inflation. “Too much government debt” barely rates a mention as a cause of inflation in most economics textbooks.

Feel free not to trust me on this point. Rather, read the following article, titled “Inflation and Debt” written by one of the leading economists of our time, John Cochrane, Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Professor Cochrane’s article is notable for a couple of reasons. First, it provides a simple, but intellectual, exposition regarding the current thinking on the causes of inflation. Second, it provides a great overview of the shambles that is current mainstream macroeconomic thinking: lots of different models (Keynesianism, Monetarism, Fiscal Theory) none of which work well on a standalone basis and none of which easily integrate with the other models.

For our purposes, the key point made by Professor Cochrane is that Keynesianism, the dominant school of economic thought, sees little role for government debt in the determination of inflation. The view of Keynesianism is that “too much demand” is a primary cause of inflation. Hence, the imperative on central banks to slow down economic activity as the economy approaches full capacity.

To be fair, Keynesianism has been modified to include an “inflation expectations” component, largely due to the failure of the old Keynesian model to explain the stagflation in the 1970s. In this New Keynesian world, government debt can only impact inflation if either (a) fiscal spending leads to an overheated economy, or (b) for some reason, higher levels of government debt lead to higher “inflation expectations”. While the first issue is obvious, the many proponents of Keynesianism have done a poor job of explaining how higher levels of government debt may lead to higher “inflation expectations”.

This week we are going to examine an economic model that can clearly explain how higher levels of government debt can lead to what Keynesians would call “higher inflation expectations”. More specifically, we are going to look at a theory of money that can explain how excessive government debt can lead to a fall in the value of fiat money and a consequent rise in the price level.

The Relationship between the Monetary Base and Government Debt

In order to understand the relationship between inflation and debt, we need to start by thinking about a much more simple relationship: the relationship between the monetary base (“money”) and government debt (“debt”).

The most obvious and well-recognized relationship between money and debt is that they are the two key elements of the “government budget constraint”. The government budget constraint states that the budget deficit in any particular period must equal the sum of the change in the monetary base and the change in government bonds held by the public during that same period.

In other words, the government has only two choices when it considers how to fund a budget deficit: either it can issue debt or it can create money.

This is very similar to the choice faced by a corporation that is trying to finance its operations. A corporation can either issue debt (a fixed claim over future profits) or issue equity (a variable claim over future profits).

The view of The Money Enigma is that we can extend this analogy.

Ultimately, society generates only one primary source of economic value that it can use to finance public spending: real output. When society does not wish to fund public projects by taxing current output, it can create (using the legal structure of government) claims on future output. Just as a corporation can create fixed and variable claims to future cash flows, so society (via government) can create fixed and variable to claims to future output that it can use to finance current deficits.

The fixed (or at least, pseudo-fixed) claim on future output is government debt. The variable claim on future output is money. In this sense, money is the equity of society.

The notion that money is a form of equity instrument and a proportional claim on the future output of society was discussed at length in a recent post titled “Money as the Equity of Society”.

The view of The Money Enigma is that we accept money as payment for our services because we, as a society, recognize that it represents a variable claim over the future output of society. Just as a share of common stock represents a proportional claim over the future cash flows of a corporation, so one unit of the monetary base (e.g., one dollar) represents a proportional claim over the future output of the society that issues that currency.

A government has only two choices when it wants to fund a budget deficit: either it can issue debt (a pseudo-fixed entitlement to the future output of society), or it can issue money (a special-form equity instrument that represents a long-duration, variable entitlement to the future output of society).

Valuation model for fiat moneyWhile this theory of money may seem complex, it does have one great advantage: it allows us to build a valuation model for money. More specifically, the theory allows us to build a discounted future benefits model for the value of money, just as one might build a discounted future cash flow model for a share of common stock.

Building a valuation model for money is a compelling aspect for this theory because it allows us to think about the impact on various shifts in expectations upon the current value of money. Importantly, a valuation model for money provides us with a framework for thinking about how rising levels of government debt may impact the current value of money.

But before we launch into an analysis of the valuation model for money, let’s think more generally about how rising debt impacts the value of equity.

How Does Rising Government Debt Impact the Value of Money?

The view of The Money Enigma is that once government debt reaches a critical level, market expectations regarding the future path of real output begin to fall and market expectations of the future path of the monetary base begin to rise. These two factors (diminished expectations for long-term output growth and heightened expectations for higher base money growth) combine to negatively undermine the value of money.

Rather than launch into the more technical aspects of how shifting expectations can impact the value of money, let’s return to our simple “money versus common stock” analogy.

Consider a company that is listed on the stock exchange. How does rising corporate debt impact the value of the shares of that company?

It’s not a simple question to answer. Why? Well, it depends on the underlying profitability of the company and how much debt that company already has. For example, if the company is highly profitable with low levels of debt, then taking on a bit more debt may have little or no impact on the stock price. Indeed, a little more debt could enhance the value of the shares if investors believe the money raised will fund highly profitable new projects.

However, what about a situation where the company is already highly indebted? Maybe our company lost money during the recession and had to take on a lot of debt. What would be the impact on the value of the shares of that company if the company announced it was going to take on even more debt?

Clearly, at some point there is a tipping point where equity investors will decide that the company is taking on too much debt and the value of the shares will fall. The fall in the stock price will be accentuated if it also becomes clear that the underlying health of the company is not as strong as believed (the company has been raising debt to cover up its weak cash flow problems).

Now, let’s think about this in the context of a society that can issue debt (government debt) and equity (base money). What is the impact on the value of the equity of society (money) as the outstanding debt of society (government debt) begins to rise?

Again, it depends upon the particular circumstances.

If the economic health of society is strong and the existing debt levels are low (government debt is less than 20% of GDP), then it seems reasonable to believe that an increase in government debt may have little or no impact on the value of the equity of society.

However, if a society already has high levels of public debt (100%+ of GDP) and then seeks to issue even more debt (issue more “fixed” claims against its future output), then this could place significant downward pressure on the value of money.

So, why is this case?

Value of Money and Long Term ExpectationsMoney is a proportional claim on the future output of society. There are two primary variables that drive the value of money: the expected future output of society and the number of expected claims to that output (the future size of the monetary base).

As the expected growth of future output rises, all else equal, the value of a variable entitlement to that output will rise. Conversely, as the expected growth of the monetary base rises, all else equal, the number of future claims to output rises and the value of each claim falls.

As government debt levels reach a certain tipping point, markets will begin to revise their expectations for both of these key factors.

If the markets decide that the current path of fiscal policy is unsustainable, then there are only two ways in which this can be resolved. Either government deficits are reigned in, leading to lower levels of future real output, or the government will be forced to increase the pace of monetary base growth in order to finance those deficits (remember our government budget constraint from earlier).

Hyperinflation Value of MoneyBoth of these factors will lead to a fall in the value of money.

We can think of the value of money in terms of slices of pie. As government debts rise to a critical point, then one of two things will happen. Either the pie itself will shrink (less output), or the pie will be cut up in to more pieces (more money). Either way, markets begin to anticipate this and the market value of money falls.

In more technical terms, the market value of money (as measured in absolute terms) depends upon the expected future path of the “real output/base money” ratio. Higher government debt can trigger a sharp downward revision in the long-term expected path of the “real output/base money” ratio, leading a sharp fall in the market value of money.

In summary, the value of money depends upon a complex set of long-term expectations regarding the future real output growth and future base money growth. Excessive government debt can lead to a sudden shift in these expectations, a shift that may have a severely negative effect on the value of the fiat money issued by our society.

Excessive Government Debt and Inflation

Finally, we need to close the loop regarding the relationship between government debt and inflation. So far we have concentrated on the relationship between excessive government debt and the market value of money. It has been argued that if government deficits and debts become unsustainable, then the market will begin to anticipate lower levels of future output and higher levels of future base money.

The combination of these two factors will place downward pressure on the value of money. Why? The market value of money will fall because money (each unit of the monetary base) represents a variable entitlement to the future output of society. If there is less expected output in the future, then the value of a claim to that future output will fall. Similarly, if the market anticipates more money will be created, then there are more claims on the future output of society and, all else equal, the value of each claim will fall.

Ratio Theory of the Price LevelBut why does a fall in the value of money lead to higher prices? The answer to this question is simple. The market value of money is the denominator of every “money price” in the economy: as the market value of money falls, the price level rises.

We have already covered this theory in many previous posts, but those that are new to The Money Enigma should read “Every Price is a Function of Two Sets of Supply and Demand”, a post which explains the basics of price determination.

In summary, government debts and deficits do matter. The currently fashionable notion that government debts do not matter to inflation ignores the important role of expectations regarding the long-term path of real output and base money in the determination of the price level.

On a final note, the point that should be of most concern to policy makers is that once these long-term expectations regarding output and base money shift, it may be very difficult to bring them back to more previous levels and therefore difficult to control inflation.

While the current market view is that central banks are omnipotent in their control of the global economy, the fact is that it is almost impossible for a central bank, at least singlehandedly, to control an outbreak of inflation that is created by reckless fiscal policy. The only way to control this type of inflation once it occurs is for fiscal and monetary policy makers to work together. Inevitably, this involves an end of the “good times” as fiscal deficits are reduced, the monetary base is brought under control and interest rates are raised.